Cat-astrophy: How To Handle And Deal With Shedding
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Kitties are no doubt cute and cuddly, but their hair and all their shedding, is not. In fact, no matter how well you take care of your home, it’s likely that you have everywhere, even on you. .
But, according to experts, shedding (especially for domestic cats that remain indoors, this phenomenon is quite common. In face, experts assert that certain cats shed more than others and tend to shed more heavily during certain time of the year, and some during specific times of the year.
For a clearer understanding of this occurrence, you must first understand that hair growth in cats takes place in cycles. These three cycles include active growth (anagen), transition (catagen) and rest (telogen). But, since it is a perpetually repetitive cycle, each hair is a temporary one, and it’s almost as if fur grows back at the same rate or faster than your feline loses it.
Furthermore, growth cycles depend largely on photoperiods, which means that amount of light exposure your kitty gets (in his or her environment) determines how much hair your cat grows and loses.
According to professionals, cats that are exposed to frequent artificial light tend to shed hair on a continual basis because they believe they are living in an eternal summer-like environment. And, that’s when YOUR problems begin.
But, experts assert that cutting back on cat hair is achievable.
First you should make sure you are giving your kitty a balanced diet to ensure proper nutrition for skin and hair. Your best bet is consulting with your veterinarian and asking about adding food supplements rich in omega fatty acids to your cat’s diet. These added nutrients help in reducing skin irritations and problems brought about by shedding. However, professionals suggest proceeding with caution since too much can upset the balance of your pet’s diet.
Daily brushing is also a good idea as far as controlling the effects of shedding, since it helps collect the dead hair before it falls. Brushing also hinders matting, a process that leads to blocking the skin from breathing properly. And, you should make sure not to bather your cat too often since bathing can dry out the skin and actually increase the amount of shedding. When you do bathe your kitty, use shampoos that reduce hair loss and stimulate hair growth.
Keep in mind that you pet can go through periods of greater stress. From a visit to the vet’s office or unexpected guests, a nervous cat can experience premature shedding, so keep track of your pet’s disposition and emotions.
Finally, if you believe you cat is losing an excessive and unexplainable amount of hair, you should consult with your veterinarian.
Long Island Pets Articles
Cat-astrophy: How To Handle And Deal With Shedding