Special Attention Please: How To Handle Infertility Issues
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Having a baby may seem like a “simple” enough decision to make, but for some, it may not be that simple. In fact, just because YOU are ready, doesn’t necessarily mean your body is ready or willing to cooperate.
Infertility is quite common and can strike wives at almost any age. Still, age is a factor and may mean a need for intervention.
The good news is that even couples with infertility issues can successfully conceive AND give birth to a health, happy, bouncing baby. The trick say experts is not waiting too long to get help if you need it.
Experts recommend trying for up to 12 months, on your own, if you are a healthy couple and under 35 years old. For those over 35 the time period for suggested trying, without “assistance” is six months, and those with medical histories should talk to their physicians before trying to conceive.
However, it’s important to remember that these stats are bases on average generalizations, how long you’ve been trying, how you’re dealing with ovulation tracking, your partner’s age and history, and many other factors, including your habits and lifestyle. Experts add that if you live a relatively healthy lifestyle, and you ARE using an ovulation prediction monitor your should wait only six months, but if you’re not ovulating or are over 35 and using a monitor, shorten your wait to three months.
Go directly to a fertility specialist rather than paying several, perhaps un-necessary visits and spending un-necessary money with an OBGyn. According to experts the field of fertility is making such rapid progress that it often becomes difficult, if not virtually impossible for generalists to keep up with the trends, treatments, and advancements. However, they “do” point out that there ARE some quite qualified Obstetricians (Obs) who are more than capable of running initial tests. Just make sure yours is a member of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine. Note that if your issues are not getting resolved that’s a good indication that you should seek out a specialist and/or a need for more advanced treatment, making it loud and clear that you should see a board-certified reproductive endocrinologist ASAP. Check out the Society for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (http://www.socrei.org/) for a referral.
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Special Attention Please: How To Handle Infertility Issues