How to survive Black Friday!
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 By Rachel Derry Staff Writer LIFamilies
If you aren't a Black Friday pro, but want to give it a try this year, here is a quick tips list to help you successfully survive the day. As dramatic as they may is really that dramatic!
1. Don't wait until the day to make your plan: all of the sales flyers and announcements are already out. Make your plan now and know what you have in mind for buys and figure out where you want to purchase them. Do a little bit of research to figure out the specifics for your selections; for example, don't just walk into a store looking for a television, know if you want a LED, LCD, or plasma TV and in what size.
2. Make a plan: know where you are going and what you are going to buy when you get there. Without a plan of action, Black Friday shopping may become an effort in futility. When you have your blue prints in front of you, you will save a lot of the fluster and frustration.
3. Be prepped and ready to go: have your car gassed, dress in layers, and pack a lunch before you ever leave the house. You want to make sure that you are comfortable and set for a day of shopping. The last thing that you want to worry about is a last minute stop or change over. Also, make sure to bring your Smartphone, or friend with a Smartphone, to stay updated on prices and sale updates along the way. (And to find your shopping companions who may have been lost in the hustle and bustle!)
4. You're spending the money, reap the rewards: make sure to have your valued shopper cards ready and waiting for the stores you are shopping at. Many of the cards will provide you with additional discounts or money back in the future. Why not soak up the extra benefits when you are already spending your time and money in the store?
5. Stay home and cyber shop: if the mobs and traffic jams just aren't for you, remember to make a plan for Cyber Monday, instead. Many stores with sales going on Black Fridays will have similar sales available on Cyber Monday. Make sure to scour all of your favorite stores online to see what they are going to have available. Many will even have early sales. Be ready and you will still have all the deals without the run around.
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How to survive Black Friday!