Cell Shock: How Your Cell Phone May Be Affecting Your Sex Life
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Guys with galactic gadgets may think they look cool (and for the most part, they do), but new studies suggest that modern technology may not be so good when it comes to good old-fashioned “lovin’.
In fact, some experts suggest that men who use mobile phones for extended periods of time may in fact be damaging their sperm.
Research revealed that sperm obtained from cell-phone prone men was significantly lower in number, quality and strength/ability to swim. And, the more men used their cell phones more impact on their sperm.
According to studies, men who used their cells for more than four hours a day, showed a 30% decline in sperm mobility and viability in comparison to those men who did not use mobile phones.
Scientists suggest that most of us use cell phones as if we are using a toothbrush, and rarely give thought to what the long-term consequences may be. In fact, they note that nearly 1 billion people use mobile phones worldwide and that number is seeing significant increases of about 20 to 30 percent annually in many countries. Furthermore they predict that in another five years, the number of cell phone uses will probably double.
Still, other researchers suggest that having a cell phone “attached” to your ear should have little effect on your testes, and they add that the studies are simply preliminary and further tests and observations need to be done.
Long Island Technology Articles
Cell Shock: How Your Cell Phone May Be Affecting Your Sex Life