Increase your Health by Increasing Colorful Fruits and Vegetables
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 By Rachel Derry Staff Writer LIFamilies
In today’s world of fast food and on the go diets, many people are not getting the nutrients and minerals that they need. Generally these diets are seriously lacking in fruits and vegetables, which are the cornerstone of nutrition.
Most people can use an increase of vegetables and fruits in their diet. One way to make sure you are getting enough is to fill half of your plate with them. That sounds like a lot, but try adding just one extra fruit or vegetable per meal. Before you know it, the half will be overflowing.
Also, try different foods. We all get stuck in a rut, eating the same corn and potatoes. Try to take a chance on something different each time you go to the grocery store. You may not like everything you try, but guaranteed their will be new fruits and veggies that you will.
The best way to ensure that a body is getting all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidant, and fiber that it needs is to make every meal a rainbow of colors. Every different naturally colored food has its own specific nutritional value to enhance your meal.
Red foods help with memory function, urinary tract health, and cardiovascular health. Some examples are; cherries, cranberries, strawberries, apples, beets, radishes, red cabbage, red onions, rhubarb, and tomatoes.
Orange foods help repair DNA and help prevent cancer and heart disease, as well as strengthening our vision. Some examples are; pumpkins, carrots, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, peaches, mangoes, and oranges.
Yellow foods have amazing properties. They keep our teeth and gums healthy, heal cuts, improve when we have colds, help to absorb iron, prevent inflammation, and improve circulation. Some examples are; corn, acorn squash, turnips, lemons, pineapple, and yellow watermelon.
Green foods promote strong bones, cardio vascular systems, and teeth. They also help prevent cancer and prevent eye diseases. Some examples are; zucchini, spinach, peas, broccoli, brussels sprouts, asparagus, kiwis, honeydew melons, avocados and green grapes.
White/greenish foods lower cholesterol level in your body, and help maintain a health heart. Some examples are; bananas, garlic, onions, parsnips, potatoes, cauliflower, leeks, chives, and mushrooms.
Blue/Purple foods have anti-aging power, as well as tons of anti-oxidants. They prevent blood clots and improve circulation. Some examples are; eggplant, plums, raisons, purple carrots, purple potatoes, purple cabbage, purple peppers, figs, prunes, blueberries, and blackberries.
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Increase your Health by Increasing Colorful Fruits and Vegetables