Beating The Odds: Increasing Your Chances Of Getting The Job You Want
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Most of us go to school, train, do internships and even try to work our way up from the bottom to land the job of our dreams. And, according to statistics, most of us will change not only jobs, but careers an average of seven times before we land the perfect position for us.
But, in the meantime, we are confronted with “auditioning” for just the right position. And, that means going through a series of interviews. And, landing the right job means acing the interview. Here are some common mistakes to avoid and to help give you that added advantage.
1. Losing Focus: All too often note experts we lose sight of our purpose and we think that getting the job merely means asking for one. However, experts suggest that your “goal” is multifaceted. What your really need to do is demonstrate that you have what it takes for the job you want, focus on how you fit into the company, and determining if the position offered is right for you.
2. Wearing Your Emotions On Your Sleeve: Sure most of us are anxious and eager to land a job, otherwise why would we even apply. But, according to experts showing desperation is among the top advantage-killers as far as employers and interviewers are concerned. Keep things in perspective. Note that enthusiasm is NOT the same as desperation, and realize that, while it may not always seem like it, you have what they need and there are other jobs out there.
3. Bad Body Language: Remember, you will be assessed before you even get to say a word. From your appearance to how you carry yourself, the interviewer will immediately draw either a positive or negative conclusion. Make sure you are well put together, and appropriately dressed for the company in question and position applied for and that you exude confidence. Stand up straight, make eye contact, and offer a strong handshake. If you have to jot down the name of your interviewer and any other person(s) you are meeting with on a notepad as soon as you are seated and find out whom you’re meeting with.
4. Selling Yourself Short: Regardless of your age, experience or even the fact that you may have just graduated or re-entered the workforce, you should never present yourself as a subordinate, but rather as an equal. Experts suggest that frequently how your present yourself is how you really see yourself and how you may subconsciously expecting
5. Becoming A “Yes Man”: Another error most make when interviewing is sticking strictly to topic. But, experts remind us that an interview is supposed to be a conversation, not merely you answering question. With that said, they suggest that it’s best to have “stories” highlighting your accomplishments readily on hand. Also, when you “do,” answer questions, follow up with one of your own.
6. Turning Into “The Ramblin’ Man”: An interview is supposed to answer your employers questions about you and what you can do, not clue him or her into all aspects of your life. With that said, experts suggest keeping it simple, never offering any more information than you have to. Stick to answering the questions your asked, ask those you researched and planned on asking and then let the interviewer do the talking.
7. Too Much Too Soon:M Fitting in does NOT mean being or getting overly friendly or familiar. Never let your guard down, no matter how “at ease” you are made to feel. Treat this as a professional business meeting, nothing more, nothing less.
8. Taking Liberties: Keep in mind that while you may score “brownie points” for doing all of the above right, you lose points when you ask too many questions when you don’t understand something. However, guessing won’t earn you points either. Effective interviewing is about the ability to get the information you need in the time you have, taking good notes and responding only to factual information you’ve gathered. If you find yourself guessing at the answer or taking unsubstantiated liberties, ask for clarification before you continue.
9. Making It Personal: Sometimes and interviewer can steer the questions in a direction you don’t like or touch on something you are sensitive about. Don’t let him or her get to you. Remember, it’s likely a “ploy” to see how you respond to pressure or being put on the spot. Shift your focus off your fears or insecurity and answer with a clear head and open mind. Never get emotional. Always keep it professional.
10. Subconsciously Showing “Disinterest”: Employers are looking for someone who has done his/her homework and is well informed. In fact, they most likely frown upon those who are unprepared and don’t ask question. Remember, before going on an interview, research the company, where it’s been and where it’s going and put together a list of logical question that begin with “what”, “how” and “why”. But, try to avoid those that elicit only yes or not answers.
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Beating The Odds: Increasing Your Chances Of Getting The Job You Want