Techno Fix: Is New Better Than Used And Why?
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 You must first be logged in to post a new topic. If you are not registered, please click "Create Account". By Mia Bolaris-Forget
When it comes to technology and today’s gadgets and gadgets most of us know that a purchase today may very well be obsolete tomorrow. Still, most of us expect to get a few good years of usage out of our purchases. But, life and mishaps, happen, when it comes to repairs vs. replacements the experts weigh in.
· Digital Cameras: According to experts, while usually fairly durable and dependable can also put a hefty dent in your wallet or pocketbook should they break down. In fact, you are looking on average at about $180 for standard repairs (according to Consumer Reports). And, when you take into account that even some of the newer models on the shelf are going for just a little over $200, trading up may be your best option; especially since repairs may mean lots of hassle. Remember, most digital camera repairs are conducted off-premise, which means you’ll have to send it to, most likely, as remote location and hurry up and wait.
· MP3s: Cheaper models running under $200 may not be worth repairs. According to industry experts, iPod Nanos retail for about $149 but it will cost you only $99 to repair. With that said, they suggest shelling out some extra cash for some protective investments, including a silicone case ($25) that will guard it (for the most) from falls.
If however your Ipods and MP3s retail for over $400 you may want to give repairs some serious consideration. However, experts suggest looking online for others with similar issues before sending it back. And, you’ll want to note how the problem was resolved.
· Micorwaves: According to experts, in almost all cases its simply more effective to replace it. They note that even online items that can be purchased for repairs will const on average around $120. Plus, since microwaves are known for being extremely high voltage, its best to have them handled by the pros. And, besides severe shock those with a pacemaker or heart conditions could even risk death.
They do however make some exception. In fact, experts “do” suggest replacing the plastic door latch and the glass dish. For all other repairs, they suggest going brand new.
· Cell Phones: Considering how much they are used, or should we say,“overused”, they are considered to be pretty durable. And, when it comes to cell phones, say experts, the issue isn’t whether
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Techno Fix: Is New Better Than Used And Why?