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Pregnancy and Diabetes: Is There A Link?

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By mia bolaris-forget

Most people tell ladies who are “in the family way” to take it easy….but it may be that very well-meant advice that may be putting moms at risk for diabetes.

According to recent research pregnancy may increase a woman’s chances of diabetes, especially is she develops gestational diabetes during her pregnancy. And, some suspect that the “danger zone” may be a direct result of weight gain and a relatively sedentary lifestyle.

Researched were specifically looking for evidence (in pregnant women) for metabolic syndrome, a condition found primarily in those who have abnormal cholesterol, high blood pressure, and are overweight, in addition to some other symptoms also linked to greater risk and incidence of diabetes.

The study, conducted over the course of 20 years starting back in 1984 examined 359 “ladies in waiting”, 259 of which experience metabolic syndrome…which translates into a one percent per year chance of developing the symptom overall.

Further investigation including taking into consideration such as physical activity, showed that in a single health pregnancy without GD, (gestational diabetes), there is a 30 percent risk for metabolic syndrome; while two or more healthy pregnancies increase the risk to about 60 percent. Women “with” gestational diabetes were at even great risk for metabolic syndrome.

Researches suggest screening pregnant women for diabetes risk factors following pregnancy is probably a good idea.

Long Island Pregnancy Articles > Pregnancy and Diabetes: Is There A Link?

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