Tis The Season Of Sensational Sass: Keeping Your Kisser Kissable
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 You must be a logged in user to report a bad post! By Mia Bolaris-Forget
The season of mistletoe and holly is just around the corner and that means making sure your lips are luscious and have smooch appeal.
But, remember, just like your skin, lips get exposed to the elements and need just as much TLC to stay youthful and yummy.
· Keep them moist and marvelous: Lips don’t have oils glands…and that makes them more likely to dry out easily and quickly. Keep them supple and sexy by keeping them hydrated. Frequently apply a balm or salve that contains a heavy-duty quencher such as petrolatum, glycerin or shea butter.
· Rub them the right way: If your pucker is prone to flaking, try gently exfoliating twice a week. Rub scrub onto lips and wipe off with a tissue.
· Read between the lines: Time takes its toll on collagen, breaking it down and leaving behind fine lines. Plump them up with a nightly treatment of peptides.
· Banish the blur: Drinking from bottles, certain movements, smoking, etc can cause bleeding, as lipstick sinks into crevaces surrounding lips rather than staying on lips. Beat the bleed by using retinol-based products around your lips and tracing lips with a concealer pencil.
· Plump them up: While our bodies may “round out” over time, lips tend to thin out. Look for plumping products with moisture-attracting ingredients such as hyaluronic acid.
· Cease the crease: Daily facial expressions and movements tend to thin out collagen around the mouth. Keep creasing to a minimum with the use of a small pea-size drop or retinol cream nightly. For sensitive skin, apply every other night.
· Made in the shade: The right lipstick can make lips look delicious while the wrong shade can kill your image. Keep in mind that fair femmes look best in subtle shades while darker hues look best on gals with darker skin tones. Also keep in mind the look you’re going for. Remember, sheer stains offer soft statements, while bolder shades add drama. Last but not least, take into consideration your skin’s undertone. Blue-based colours best enhance cool toned skin while golden hues are best for warmer tones gals.
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Tis The Season Of Sensational Sass: Keeping Your Kisser Kissable