Beyond the Gloss: Keeping Your Lips Silky Smooth
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 By Rachel Derry Staff Writer LIFamilies
With the constant temperature fluctuation that come with the changing of the seasons you may find that, even on sunny days, your skin ends up feeling under the weather. One of the most sensitive areas you will find are your lips. Although you always gloss to keep them kissably smooth, you may find that it isn’t quite enough to keep your lips from cracking and chapping. Here are a couple steps to keep your lips silky smooth all season long.
Make sure to exfoliate your lips, just like you do the rest of your body. Gloss and balm are not enough to keep your lips from chapping. Although scrubbing your lips may sound contradictory to keeping them from chapping or chaffing, it is the dead and damaged skin that isn’t allowing your balm to nourish and protect your lips. To exfoliate your lips and stay green (and save a couple bucks, too) apply your favorite lip balm and a layer of granulated sugar. By rubbing your lips together, you’ll scrub off any damaged and dead skin, leaving only the healthy, smooth skin below.
To keep your lips smooth once they’ve been exfoliated be sure to moisturize and nourish them. Be sure to keep a moisturizing lip balm or lip gloss with you at all times. Whenever your lips seem to need it don’t be afraid to over apply. Try to apply multiple times throughout the day and then again when you’re going to bed. When looking for a lip balm to find on that not only has moisturizing properties, with ingredients like vitamin E and aloe, but also includes nourishing properties from antioxidants such as vitamin C.
Lastly, just like the rest of your skin, your lips need protection to. One of the most damaging factors, when it comes to skin, is a lack to sun protection. When you are picking out a daily lip balm, look for one that includes an SPF to protect your lips from burning. There will be varying levels of SPF (for your indoor days versus your beach days) so make sure to decide which strength is best for you for a regular, daily schedule.
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Beyond the Gloss: Keeping Your Lips Silky Smooth