Red, White, And “Green”: Making It Easy For Americans To Go “Green”.
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Conserving energy and money, it seems, is what it has always been all about. And, now, it’s also about saving and protecting ourselves, our health and the environment. But, as one of my friends recently stated, the escalating price of “living well” is going up, and becoming less and less “practical” and affordable.
Still, according to experts, doing your part to join the “environmental protection program”, and to help your family “go green” is actually easier than it see
Shop Smart: Look for loose items since most packaged produce, etc are packed in packaging made from petroleum products. When it comes to disposable plates, they suggest recycled plastic. It doesn’t harm trees, plus, they are dishwasher safe.
Experts also recommend recycled foil which they note uses just one-twelfth the energy of nonrecycled varieties. And, last, but not least, if you can, opt for organic produce or products since they contain “all-natural” ingredients and aren’t sprayed with pesticices.
Bag conventional bags: Consider investing in a canvas satchel for your shopping needs. In fact, if you do a lot of shopping experts suggest investing in a few. Not only is it environmentally friendly and reusable, you can get one personalized.
“Hit the bottle": According to experts bottles containing bottled juices and water may contain contents that are good for you, but are made from a process that is damaging to our natural resources and environment. They suggest investing in a water filter and either a reusable aluminum or plastic bottle and filling them up at home. Just make sure you know what you are buying, especially when it comes to plastic. Experts recommend looking at the underside of the plastic bottle you plan on purchasing and scoping out the small plastic triangle containing a number inside. If the number reads 2, 4, or 5, the bottle is safe, otherwise, keep looking, since they may contain chemicals that could leech into your contents and into your body.
Use less for success: From trading in your luxury ride for a hybrid car to unplugging charges when you’re not using them, buying recycled paper products and sharing a napkin or rinsing it out and reusing it, you are conserving billings of pounds of waste. Also, opt out of ATM receipts. According to experts, since they also created much un-necessary use of paper and waste.
Breathe Easy: Think about replacing conventional cleaning products with all-natural or homemade alternatives. The life you save may be your own.
· One last side note say experts, even when it comes to your pets, it’s best to look for products that are natural, safe, and organic.
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Red, White, And “Green”: Making It Easy For Americans To Go “Green”.