Silly Rabbit…Holidays Are For Kids: Making The Holidays More Kid-Friendly
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 By mia bolaris-forget
No matter what you celebrate this year, for most the onset of the festive winter season translates into heavy traffic, long lines, and the frantic rush to find the “perfect” gift for those in our lives. It also means, “meaningful” gatherings with friends and family and finding something and someway to entertain the kids.
The first thing you need to contemplate is where to seat kids, especially if you want to keep on eye on them. Instead of sitting kids by your side, consider a kiddie table that’s close by and perhaps even features some kid-friend foods. And, you’ll also want to make available an abundance of kid-friendly activities to keep them entertained, while you entertain.
1. Fun Food and Drinks: While adults may get special crystal and china, little ones can get special holiday paper plates (set on chargers) and replete with festive napkins and straws. You may also want to find fun ways to serve up and present holiday fare to make it more entertaining and appetizing for kids to eat.
2. Creative place settings: Place a either a colouring book and crayons or a placemat that can be drawn or doodled on at each place setting. Get some inspiration from road trip fast food chains and invest in some inexpensive toys and games that can be placed in the center of the table to keep little hands and minds occupied.
3. Mind Games: These are great for “older” kids. Set up a stack of trivia questions they can ask each other or break our YOUR old Trivial Pursuit, etc. and let the brain teasing begin.
4. Give them a reprieve from sitting: Encourage kids to get up for their “assigned” seats and go to the basement where they can enjoy some toys or stay close by and engage in a holiday-inspired game of Charades. Once they’ve exerted some energy, you can ask them to make their way back to the table or find a place to sit quietly and watch TV.
5. Get them involved and preparations and clean up: From helping create place cards and setting the table to help clearing and washing dishes, this is a great way to keep idle minds and hands moving.
6. Once upon a time: Encourage kids to tell each other (in their own words) what the holiday celebration is about. Another option is having one kid start the story while other kids add to it as they go around the table coming to a full circle.
7. Make Merry: Ask kids to get up and sing a special holiday song they learned in school. If someone in your family is musical and plays and instrument, you can even give them a little encouragement by giving them some accompaniment.
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Silly Rabbit…Holidays Are For Kids: Making The Holidays More Kid-Friendly