Mother’s Nature: Pregnancy Stands The Test Of Time (Through your 20s, 30s, and 40s)
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Ah, the good old biological clock. It’s something some women feel in their early adulthood, and a “pressure” others “postpone” until they’ve exhausted their “adolescence”, and have gotten settled in their life and career. And, while it all boils down to “personal preference”, experts point out the pros and cons of pregnancy and parenting through the years.
Prime Time 20s: Your 20s are the best time, in your life to start a family. Besides being both mature enough for the responsibility, ladies in this age group are still young and resilient enough for the obligation and extreme responsibility; not to mention, at their reproductive peak.
Statistics show that fertility actually starts to decline as a woman enters her late 20s. So, the early to mid-twenty-somethings have a definite advantage. It’s at this phase of life that women are at their most fertile, are capable of conceiving (relatively easily, though there are exceptions), and the age where the risk of miscarriage and other medical risks are at their lowest.
Also, some suggest that women in their 20s are most likely to get the most out of motherhood. In fact, according to a recent study, ladies in their 20s expressed the greatest gratification with motherhood than other, “older” women in the group. According to experts, that’s probably due to the fact these women in this age group, especially those in their early to mid-twenties haven’t yet developed other areas of their life that require just as much energy and responsibility.
Still, motherhood, even in this early stage of the game is not without it’s challenges. Professionals point out that among the greatest challenges these ladies face, anemia is among the most common. That’s probably because these young women are likely to be the least fastidious about their (healthy) eating habits and more likely to push the limits their body can comfortable handle, and that includes food. Plus, it’s this group that’s the most likely to have unplanned pregnancies and less likely to take the proper steps and precautions necessary for preparing for pregnancy. In addition, they are the group most likely to experience psychological difficulties once they find out they are expecting and once the baby is born, many of them possibly feeling slighted that they’ve got to put on hold a lot of their plans and dreams. And, while it may be decreasing there’s still somewhat of a social bias and negative “stigma” (these days) toward very young moms.
The Boomer Group: This group is made up of women/couples primarily in their thirties who either got married in their mid to late 20s and waited or tied the knot after the big 3-0 and feel the push to start pushing out a family. They are the women who are also pretty well set in their home life, their marriage, and their career…and this group is growing. In fact, statistics suggest that post the 1980s there was a surge in more mature moms with most being between 35 and 39.
Studies conducted suggest that women/couples in this age group were more self-assured, more independent, and more positive about their mate, their decision and their future. In addition these women were less self-centered, more practical and realistic, and more stable than very young 20-something moms. In addition, many felt they had more to offer, especially since many also had completed college, build a career and their relationship. Plus, the maturity they gained along the way, say experts, gives them an “edge” to a less rigid way of thinking about pregnancy and parenting.
Ideal by some standards, but not by others, pregnancy in the 30s means increased rish of chromosomal abnormalities, diabetes, hypertension, eclampsia and the need for a C-section, plus the possibility of experiencing a pre-term birth. Finally, experts suggest that conception may also be a challenge for this age group, since egg quality is often compromised by lifestyle and age.
However, for women who DO successfully conceive, the experience is typically a more positive one than it is for younger expectant moms, and they are more likely to have stronger support groups and are generally more inclined to include their spouse and to have HIS full support and many men at this stage of the game are also more ready for fatherhood and may be at a point where they even find pregnancy sexy.
Mature Moms: This elite group of moms that are not longer seen as past their “prime” just because they are past their 30s, are the 40-something group that choose to either start a family or add to their brood. And, while they are in some instances physically at a sligh disadvantage, experts suggest that they are at their psychological peak. These ladies are set in their life and their ways, know who they are, where they are going and how they plan on getting their. They also know what they want and are mentally and emotionally READY for motherhood. In fact, many in this age group are thrilled by be expecting.
According to experts, these women not only have spent years thinking about having a baby and how they would raise it, but also perfecting soothing techniques and building a strong financial and marital base, both beneficial for raising children and easing many of the stresses and tensions that come along with parenthood.
Last but not least, having kids in your 40s may also have a host of health advantages. According to studies, women who got pregnant in their 40s were also likely to live longer, many even making it to 100 and beyond. In fact, they are four times likelier to live longer, as long as the child was conceived naturally.
Still the risks for childbearing for women in their 40s are also at a peak, while fertility takes a significant nose dive. Women in the 40s face a greater risk of medical complication and chromosomal abnormalities, even if they do conceive and many may have to opt for in-vitro fertilization or fertility treatments.
Regardless of age, however, each group showed its own special strengths and superiority in mothering, each women taking on the challenge and her role competently
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Mother’s Nature: Pregnancy Stands The Test Of Time (Through your 20s, 30s, and 40s)
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