Falling Into Place: Preparing For Fall Should Be A Breeze
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
With temps still in the high 80s and 90s and with a pending vacation in the works, I am still in the summer fun mentality. Yet, my girlfriend in Tennessee is sending her kiddies back to school this week and looking forward to a designer that promises to help her prepare her abode for the autumnal season ahead.
Still, in my mind, it’s WAAAY too early to think about fall, but according to experts, if we don’t think ahead many of us may fall behind.
They suggest:
· Preparing From The Outside In: Get your lawn and garden ready for the cooling temps ahead by eliminating weeks, seeding and fertilizing the lawn and planting any blooms that blossom in the spring. Mulch flower beds, especially in areas where the ground tend to freeze and bring container gardens indoors to protect them from the cooling temps or wrap them with burlap to shield them from the impending cold.
· Sitting Pretty: Spruce up outdoor furniture by wiping it down with a mild soap solution and water and bring as many pieces as possible in, before the chill of winter sets in. If there’s no room in the house, consider storing patio furniture in the garage or shed. If you must leave it outside wrap is tightly with a strong covering such as tarp to shied it from severe weather.
· Smart Moves: Rearrange your storage area to prepare for the season ahead. Experts suggest moving beach and camping equipment to the back and bringing to the font more seasonal gear such as sports, yard, and snow equipment.
· Break Out The Bombers And Boots: Find an areas, either in the foyer, garage, hallway closet, etc to store season jackets and shoes such as galoshes and boots and even umbrellas, hats, etc. that you may not want traipsed through your home. Make sure you have a home for everything and that everything has a home. Also, make sure coats and jackets are washed or dry-cleaned and ready to face the seasons ahead.
· The Old Switcheroo: Switch out closets taking out your summer wardrobe and getting rid of things you don’t like, don’t need or didn’t use over the past summer season. Launder the rest and put away until next year. And, don’t forget to get the school gear, in gear making getting ready for school “easy” and “effortless”.
· Slim Pickins: Stock up on healthy items for snacking, lunches, and dinners for you and your family, especially if you plan on heading back to work as your family heads back to school. You may also want to consider some healthy but easy to make meals that will it easy for YOU to prepare for the next day and allow daddy and the brood to fend for themselves when you’re not around.
· Homework Bound: Make your home, work friendly for you and your kids. Experts suggest investing in desks of a station where you can do your work and they can do theirs. This allows you to get a lot done, while keeping and eye on them, where they are, what they are doing, giving you the ability to answer questions, offer help and build bonds.
· Colour “Inside The Lines”: Think about setting a mood for family, friends and indoor fun and warming up to the cooler temps with warm, cozy colours. Change drapery, table linens, and home accessories such a coach pillows to autumn hues.
· Fluff and Stuff: Make sure fall comforters are easily accessible, laundered, and ready to use.
· Make Room: Give everyone their own “space” to set the pace for more family members rushing off in the morning. Set up washrooms, bedrooms, etc, with all the essential for everyone and make sure they all know where these things are so that no one loses any essential time getting reading in the morning.
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Falling Into Place: Preparing For Fall Should Be A Breeze