Summer Ready: Preparing for the fun and the sun
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 By Rachel Derry Staff Writer LIFamilies
It certainly has been a long haul, but it seems like the dreary weather is finally coming to a close. It’s time for the sunshine to start breaking through. As the flowers start to bloom and the grass starts to green, many minds are already fast forwarding to summer, with its promises of endless sun and heat. To get ready for the perfect summer season, here are a couple tips to make sure that you’re confident and ready before summer even appears.
Shape Up. Many people worry about what they are going to look like in a bathing suit after a long, lazy winter. Try getting the whole family off to a good start by going for walks as soon as the weather starts to get nice. Unwanted pounds will be shed off along with the winter sluggishness.
Skin Prep. Make sure to start early with suntan lotion, and use plenty of it. Stock up on different levels SPFs before summer comes along. Mom is used to lathering it all over the kids, but often forgets her and dad. Everyone should be protected with sunscreen and protective lip balm. Your skin will thank you by remaining soft and smooth all summer long.
Pool Prep. Make sure that the swimming pool is prepped and ready to use long before the hot weather kicks in. In the long run, having the pool prepared for early use will push off the need for air conditioning in the house. Take advantage of the fast cool off, and make sure your family does, too. Pools aren’t just for kids, you know!
Air Economics. Make sure that your air conditioning system is up and working efficiently before it is needed. Check air ducts for leaks to stop waste. Also, make sure to program your thermostat for a few degrees warmer than usual, this will save money and electricity.
BBQ Warm Up. Outside barbeques are, arguably, the best part of summer. Make sure that the barbeque is ready to fire up when it’s needed. Make sure to have plenty of propane or charcoal, as well as primed racks and utensils.
Plan It. Don’t just let the summer pass you by. Take the time now to plan out a couple fun summer get-togethers or outings. Even if the weather is not permitting by the time the activities come along, it is a lot easier to reschedule than to try to schedule last minute.
Scope It Out. When summer comes, it’s not the time to decide what beaches you like and where you feel like going. Have your preferred beaches and hangouts picked out ahead of time. This way you are ahead of the game, and hopefully can beat the crowds.
When you are ready and prepared you get to spend less time fretting and more time enjoying.
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Summer Ready: Preparing for the fun and the sun