The Dirt On Toxic Plants: Protecting Your Pets From Dining On “Deadly” Foliage
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By Mia Bolaris-Forget
While I love our cat, I find it quite disturbing that virtually every time she spends time outside and gets her claws and teeth into our lawn, she’ll get sick from the grass. And, while gross, it’s, I’m assured neither harmful nor dangerous to our pet.
Yet, experts assert that while your felines fascination with plants is quite natural, you “do’ need to keep an eye on patterns and behavior since some plants can be toxic.
Some suggest that cats nipple on greenery because of the fiber contained in the plants, while others assets its simply just a result of the taste. But, whatever the reason, neither indoor nor outdoor plants are off limits for most cats.
And, since they can’t tell the difference between edible and non-edible plants, it’s up to you to weed them out, and keep them out of your house or out of reach.
According to experts, plants such as aloe, eucalyptus, philodendrons, rhododendrons, and mistletoe are among the most hazardous to your cat’s health. And, depending on how toxic each is, feasting on these plants can result in digestive, nervous, and/or circulatory problems and may even be fatal for your pet.
Experts stress the necessity for rushing your cat to the vet immediately if he/she gets into non-edible plants or questionable plants and bringing some leaves with you for evaluation. Remember, damage to the internal organs take place rather quickly, so prevention is your best bet for keep kitty safe. Learn about plants that are toxic for felines and make sure you avoid them or eliminate them from your home. Keep in mind that just because you place a plant out of reach doesn’t necessarily mean your cat won’t get to it. Cats, especially young ones, love to jump and climb and are generally very good at it.
Catnip or catmint has generally been seen as a healthy alternative for your feline’s (plant) feasting habits. But, catnip can be put into two different categories: Valeriana Officinalis and Nepeta Cataria, the latter which describes a plant whose roots are in the mint family. And, its mere aroma may intoxicate your kitty. But experts point out that smells are extremely important for cats and serve as a good reference source.
Besides putting your cat into a “trance” for a few minutes, catnip will stimulate his or her appetite and is advisable, especially if he/she is having trouble eating. Simply add a bit of catnip to your kitty’s regular meal and wait for results. But, be careful not to overdo it, since cats tend to vomit when given too much of the herb. And, some cats may not like the herb at all, a commonality in 30 to 50 percent of the cases.
With that said, get to know your plants and your cat, and take all necessary precautions to keep them both alive, well, and safe.
Long Island Pets Articles
The Dirt On Toxic Plants: Protecting Your Pets From Dining On “Deadly” Foliage