Making a Happy New Year:Readying Your Life to Start the New Year Fresh
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 By Rachel Derry Staff Writer LIFamilies
As the holidays pass, with the New Year, it is now time to take action to revitalize and renew yourself and home as you put away. With each New Year we are given the opportunity for a fresh start, and why not start with your own home? Out with the old, and in with the new!
When it comes to all of the holiday decorations that are cluttering up your storage space, make a mental note of what you are actually using and enjoying year after year. You may have many decorations that just don’t make the cut. Whatever decorations didn’t make it out of storage this year should be gone through to save, donate, or throw away.
Anything that you KNOW you need for next year, buy it now and it put away. If you are going to need lights or wrapping paper for next year, look now while items are discounted. You will save yourself some money and, hopefully, some hassle.
The same goes with the rest of your décor and belongings. You (possibly) just received a new batch of beautiful items; it’s time to make some room for them. Reassess the items hanging in your closet. The New Year is a great time to clear out the old items that you never use. The same goes with the clutter of décor. Starting with your most lived in room (i.e. your living room) put away your holiday decorations and place new items in the empty spaces.
Make a new year’s resolution with yourself now to keep your house de-cluttered all year round. Start with one area at a time, such as your kitchen, office, or even just bookshelf, to de-clutter and move on. With an organized home, you give yourself a fresh palate to motivate you for the year.
To make sure you get back to your healthier habits, or if you want to start more healthy habits, clean out your freezer and refrigerator of your holiday treats and goodies left over from your festivities. Discard the disheveled cheese platters, the remaining cookies, and the half bottles of wine. Replenish your fridge with healthy alternative. Not only will your choices be healthier, but you will be rejuvenated and revitalized for the fresh, New Year.
To keep your holiday alive, now, while it’s fresh in your mind, have your holiday photos developed and framed to place around the house. We are all guilty of it: we take a million pictures and there they sit, on our phone or digital camera, for all eternity. Be motivated now with the joy of family to bring all of those photos to life.
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Making a Happy New Year:Readying Your Life to Start the New Year Fresh