Part 2 - Pregnant Pauses: Reasons To Stop Working During Pregnancy
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Even if you enjoy your job or feel the need to contribute to the family finances, some key concerns may signal your doctor to suggest temporary leave of absence. Unless you can and are able to work from home, the following are reasons you may want to consider an early maternity leave.
1. Heavy Duty Duties: If your job is physically strenuous and demanding, staying on the job may mean literally pushing yourself too hard. Jobs that require heavy lifting, excessive standing or walking, or physical exertion may caution your health provider to ask you to minimize your hours, alter your work obligations or simple stay at home. Remember, certain tasks may not only become seemingly more difficult (especially as time goes on) but may also be hazardous to you, your pregnancy, and the baby. Additionally, you may also be prone to dizziness, nausea and fatigue, particularly in your first trimester. These symptoms may in and of themselves make it difficult for you to perform to potential on the job and may even put you at risk for endangering yourself, should you stumble and fall, especially if you have a physically demanding job.
2. Toxic Environments: Besides employers, clients, or co-workers that may cause you un-necessary and undue stress, some environments are literally hazardous to your health. Exposure to septic substances, machinery or X-rays should sound some serious safety alarms and concerns. In fact, if this is the type of environment you work in, upon confirming conception, you should immediately request to be transferred to an area that safe for you and your unborn child. If reassignment is not possible, perhaps you should seek employment in a more conducive climate, or get a head start on staying home.
3. Rest For The Weary: If you’re not an accountant and find your job taxing, and your emotional state waning and weary, then perhaps you need some R & R. According to medical professionals, high levels of stress can be detrimental to you and your child. That’s not to say that those who can calmly yet capably handle demanding jobs and positions shouldn’t, but is rather a warning for women who are easily flustered or agitated. Now that you are pregnant, extra caution and sensitivity needs to be applied. Experts also recommend re-organizing your workload and schedule to be less hectic and to maintain regular work hours, avoiding overtime if possible. Should you encounter interpersonal problems, experts advise immediately consulting your human resource department.
4. Conditions and Quagmires: Many women experience a range of interesting conditions during pregnancy. From morning sickness to gestational diabetes, kidney issues (disease), back problems or high blood press, some may pose a severe enough “threat” or discomfort to warrant taking some time off. While some only mandate reducing your work hours, others require bed rest, which makes staying at home your ONLY option.
5. Past “Problems”: Previous pregnancy complications such as miscarriages or preterm births or if you were pregnant with multiples may signal your doctor that you need additional attention or special care. Depending on a variety of factors your health care practitioner may suggest either working fewer hours or not at all.
6. Extreme Hours: Because you are in a very delicate condition and situation, it’s not recommended that you work more than eight hours a day, and that includes a lunch hour and rest breaks (if offered). If you have the type of job that demands more of your time and energy you and your doctor may want to discuss cutting back, working fewer days, or taking an early leave of absence.
Next: Part 3 - Proceed With Caution >>
Long Island Money & Careers Articles
Part 2 - Pregnant Pauses: Reasons To Stop Working During Pregnancy