Getting Between The Cracks: Removing Mold And Mildew From Your Bathroom
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
While most folks would argue that the kitchen should be the cleanest room in the house, I would “argue” that the bathroom, pretty much needs to be “spotless” too. After all who wants to sit on a dirty toilet and clean up in a dirty tub? Yet, the one thing that seems to be unavoidable, even for us fanatics, is the (eventual) buildup of mildew. And, for those of us who not only don’t like the smell of chemicals but are actually allergic to them, getting this grit and grime out of our tubs can be a major gripe. Want a simple solution? According to experts, there is one.
They suggest mixing some powdered OxiClean win water and using a toothbrush or small sponge wiping away the mildew found between the tiles.
Another alternative is to getting your hands on a steamer which is excellent forgetting grout pearly white again.
Long Island Home & Lifestyle Articles
Getting Between The Cracks: Removing Mold And Mildew From Your Bathroom