Stop and Smell The Roses: Scents That Stimulate Your Senses
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
We’ve all heard and read about the benefits of taking time out to relax and to pamper ourselves. And, we all know how soothing a massage and a warm bath can be, But, when we don’t have the time for stimulating our senses, experts suggest and essential part of our well being is stimulating our senses with some invigorating and stimulating essential oils.
Yet, while a “little dab will do ya”, most of us look for scents that appeal to our sense of smell and not to our emotions. But, when it comes to calming down or perking up, its experts suggest making your choice the other way around, and they offer the following basics.
Basil: refreshes and uplifts
Bergamot: a caffeine-free “cure” for fatigue and stress
Chamomile: has calming and soothing properties
Cinnamon: good for circulation
Clary Sage: relaxes and brings a sense of joy
Eucalyptus: cools and energizes
Jasmine: calms and arouses
Lavender: relaxes and help you sleep
Lemon: relieved tension and brings forth mental clarity
Neroli: Combats depression
Patchouli: sexy and stimulating
Peppermint: stimulates and refreshes
Rosemary: clears the mind and promotes alertness
Sandlewood: uplifting and seductive
Tea Tee: antiseptic and bracing
Ylang Ylang: aphrodisiac
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Stop and Smell The Roses: Scents That Stimulate Your Senses