Part 1 - Working Moms: Should You Work During Your Pregnancy?
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Being a mom is without question a full time job and a lot of work, but for many women the “grueling” schedule begins well before baby is born.
It’s not unusual for moms (to be) to keep their job. A majority of women have earned a degree and strived toward a career, one, they may not be ready to give up, if at all, and for others maintaining their job is a matter of helping support the family and meeting expenses, especially with a baby on the way.
Both financial and “psychological” (many women enjoy their jobs and the ability to go to work and interact outside the home) issues are certainly a major concern for many expectant women, but the health of the baby is probably the most prevalent concern at the top of the pregnancy list.
How safe is it for baby should mom continue to work. And how long should a pregnant woman stay in the workforce? Well, the answer according to experts is as unique and individual as each woman and her particular pregnancy.
Let’s not forget, not too long age (perhaps as recent as 100 years ago) women worked in the fields, exerting themselves through strenuous physical labor until they were close to delivering. Still, professionals point out that modern moms may want to base their decision on more “concrete” considerations, including:
· Your Health
· Your Baby’s Health
· The Environment Your Work In
· The Type of Work You Do
· Gratification to Stress Quotient
Generally speaking physically and emotionally healthy experiencing healthy pregnancies should be able to work well into the later stages of their gestation and some may even be able to work right up until they are ready to give birth. Among the factors to discuss and consider with your partner and physician are:
· Your overall health
· The severity of your pregnancy
· The progression of the pregnancy
· Your age
· Previous problems (with health or pregnancy)
· The type of work you do
· Job related risks
· How many hours you work
· (Financial ramifications)
Next: Part 2 - Pregnant Pauses >>
Long Island Money & Careers Articles
Part 1 - Working Moms: Should You Work During Your Pregnancy?