Designs For Life: Simple Solutions For Turning Your House Into A Home
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 By mia bolaris-forget
While I must admit that in some arenas my tastes have changed, I also feel confident saying that for the “most” part, in many cases, they have stayed pretty much the same….just with a more “sophisticated” twist.
I love the seasons and changing the scenery in my home, but again, for the most part the “staples” remain the same. Yet, there are those who change their wall colour, furniture, and appliances almost annually if not every several months (when perhaps boredom of the “same old, same old” sets in). But, not everyone can afford to live this way, which means “we” have to get a bit more hands on about transforming and updating our space.
Slow down the pace: You may have a busy lifestyle but that doesn’t mean it has to make its way into your home décor with busy furniture and patterns that are eye-catching but suggest clutter. Invest in a simple but sophisticated slip cover that’s subtle but stylish, and replace patterned rugs with more “basic” option including basic hues in cotton or wool.
Pillow Talk: If you’re pillows have ruffles and frills, changes are you need a no-frill option stat. Change up for some contemporary but “couture” (yet inexpensive) pillows in modern linens, cotton or velvet.
Make it curtains also for ruffles and frilly curtains: Believe it or not all these “feminine” embellishments can make your windows look shorter. Consider instead a simple bamboo shade between the ceiling and the top of the window. Also, a simple linen or cotton drape will off better height options as well
Flower Power: Dust off the dust from dried arrangements since that can make them look, dull, dingy and old. Or, better yet, replace fakes with a few live pieces.
Singular Sensations: Sure paying homage to friends and family by displaying their photos is a grand gesture…but your efforts may be lost if you put too many pictures in a single frame. Instead allocate one picture per frame and make the person in it the center of attention. And, if photos need a bit more pizzazz, simply reprint in either sepia or black and white.
Don’t live “on the edge: As much as it’s more mod to “bare it all” when it comes to your walls and simply opt for plain paint, wallpaper is not necessarily a no-no…but wallpaper boarders are. Choose one or the other (paint or paper), but not both.
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Designs For Life: Simple Solutions For Turning Your House Into A Home