Home Neat Home: Six Simple Steps To Easy Cleanups
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
We all know that household chores can be “no fun” and if put off until tomorrow, can get “overwhelming”. Yet, doing one thing at a time can ease the load and the feelings of too much to do and too little time to do it in. In fact, according to experts as “straighten up as you go mentality” can offer you both a peaceful mind and a peaceful living mentality.
Here are just a few time-saving tidying tips
1. Prevent “Bedlam”: According to experts, a neat bed can make an otherwise “unorderly” room seem more organized. And, while you don’t have to “make it” completely you should at least make the effort to neatly fluff the pillows and turn down the sheets. And, they add that often offers added incentive to keep things around your bed neat and orderly too.
2. Keep Clutter Under Control: There are things we ALL lean down in a convenient spot “just for the moment”. But, before we know it those things seem to be in need of a home. Experts suggest cutting to the chase by ensuring most if not all things in your home have “a home”. In fact, they recommend developing a “everything has a home and there’s a home for everything mentality”. If you use something put it immediately back once you are finished using it, or if you never got around to using it in the first place. Also, upon entering each room, take note of what’s out of place and make a place for it. You’d be surprised at how a little effort everyday, adds up to a LOT of extra time on the weekend.
3. Mail Call: We are all guilty of plopping the mail on our kitchen table and counter as soon as we walk in the door. And, most of us have the best intentions of “getting to it” before getting to bed. Yet, more often than not, what we wind up with is an ever-increasing pile of papers. Experts suggest avoiding a buildup of bulk by sorting through your mail immediately; discarding un-necessary letters and placing the rest neatly in and assigned spot and in priority order.
4. Clean Up After Yourself In The Kitchen: Most people prefer to finish what they are doing, THEN clean up their mess. And, most are comfortable leaving a glass or dish or two in the kitchen overnight. But, according to experts that’s how clutter piles up. Instead they suggest placing your dish or cup immediately in the dishwasher or quickly rinsing it off. And, they recommend cleaning pots, pans, utensils, etc as you go rather than running out of room by allowing them to build up on the counters and in the sink.
5. Freshen Up Mess While It’s Still Fresh: Tending to spills after they’ve dried and set in can make an otherwise easy task challenging, if not “impossible”. Instead, experts suggest wiping up spills, stains, etc as soon as they occur since you’re more likely to get rid of it easier and faster than if you allow it to sit.
6. Make It An Easy Sweep: Cut down mop time by keeping up with keeping floors clean and clear. Experts suggest sweeping your kitchen quickly once a night to rid it of buildup from heavy traffic, cooking, etc.
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Home Neat Home: Six Simple Steps To Easy Cleanups