On The Road Again: Smart Strategies For Traveling Solo
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Business trips are a great (all-expense paid) way to see the world, and perhaps some of your favourite places. Still, traveling alone may be a little intimidating for some, especially if you don’t like the idea of being “alone” in a strange place. But, protecting and preserving your job may mean packing your bags…pronto…but, that doesn’t mean you can’t also take steps to also protect yourself.
· Request a room that’s above ground level, especially if rooms have sliding glass doors, which may make peering in and accesss easier. Then, once inside do a thorough check of all windows, doors, and locks.
· Keep the Do Not Disturb sign on your door, even when you’re out. This may be a deterrent, tricking potential “space-invaders” to believe your “in”, when your really not.
· Ask for a change of room if somehow your room number is blurted out in a circle of unfamiliar folks and faces.
· Arriving in the evening? Plan ahead making arrangement for your transportation service or someone from the hotel meet you up front and escort you to and from the parking lot.
· Preorder menus that hand on door handles should not be marked for last name or number of persons in the room, “giving away” the fact that you are traveling and “bunking” alone.
· Keep curtains and shutters closed, especially if your staying in a budget hotel or room. And, if you don’t feel comfortable with the arrangements when you get there do your best to make alternate plans and accommodations.
· Place a band-Aid on the inside of your peephole preventing others from looking in, but making it easy enough for you to look out.
Long Island Money & Careers Articles
On The Road Again: Smart Strategies For Traveling Solo