Scent-Sational Driving Habits: Smells That Can Help Improve Your Driving And Your Attitude
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Aaaahhhh! The magnificent scent of java juice to get you going in the a.m. But while coffee may stimulate your senses and your energy, experts say, there are far more fragrant aromas to improve you morning attitude and commute.
Recent studies show that those exposed to the sweet smell of cinnamon and peppermint where less vulnerable to the annoyances that frequently kick-off our day. In fact, they were less prone to experience frustration, anxiety and fatigue. Furthermore, these same individuals exhibited greater alertness and productivity during the day.
Besides “spicing” up offices and work environments nationwide, experts suggest that the scent of these two spices may render more “relaxed”, conscientious, drivers, limiting the negative affects of stress and fatigue frequently associated with morning rush, traffic, and a hectic commute.
However, experts note, that results are not as revolutionary as you may think. Previous research similarly implicated that these sweet scents amplified motivation and astuteness, while minimizing nervousness, fatigue, and agitation, simply by stimulating the central nervous system.
The most recent research revealed the following results. Volunteers exposed to 30 seconds of cinnamon scent (at 15 minute intervals), and monitored during simulated driving conditions showed decreased levels of exhaustion and fatigue. Additionally, these (same) drivers exhibited increased alertness when exposed to both scents (cinnamon and peppermint) simultaneously. And, experts note, that these results may be beneficial in assisting reduce highway accidents and fatalities.
Long Island Technology Articles
Scent-Sational Driving Habits: Smells That Can Help Improve Your Driving And Your Attitude