Medical “Miracles”: Some Simple Ways To Take Better Care Of Your Health
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
While to a certain degree we have no control over our disposition toward disease and illness and staying healthy, to another degree, according to experts, we do.
Yet, many think that staying physically fit and healthy requires time and energy (if not money) they simply don’t have time to expend. But, according to experts keeping yourself in good health and good spirits can frequently take no longer than a New York minute.
1. Tubular Treatments (For What Ails You): According to recent research tuning in to a comedy or uplifting show twice a week can help reduce stress, depression, anger, fatigue, and tension by nearly 50 percent.
2. Identify Your Pressure Points: Experts assert that putting pressure on some common pressure or acupuncture points (such as your temples, the bridge of your nose,) can release tension, anxiety, etc and help you refocus and concentrate. It also helps balance and increase the body’s energy.
3. Let Good Health Mushroom: Nutrition experts suggest that adding some shitake or portabello mushrooms to your diet (regularly). They suggest that these delicious “sprouts” may slow the production of estrogen, which is speculated to potentially reduce the risk of breast cancer.
4. Brush Up On Good Hygiene: Pick a soft brush, and don’t press so hard when brushing your teeth. Too much pressure can erode tooth enamel and eventually cause gums to recede.
5. Berry Tasty Ideas: Adding frozen berries to your usual (natural) fruit juice will give you the added fiber you need and can also be instrumental against guarding against cancer.
6. Make Apples The Apple Of Your Eye: According to experts, not only do they keep the doctor away, but, eating just half an apple a day, can help keep strokes at bay, reducing them by about 40 percent.
7. Lull Yourself To Sleep: Instead of falling asleep to the stressful (sounds) of the evening news, experts suggest instead turning on some soothing music. They note this helps stave off insomnia and affords you a more sound and restful sleep.
8. Go For A Dunk: According to medical professionals you should dunk your dental floss in mouthwash. They note this procedure is better than breath mints and get rid of bacteria that cause bad breath.
9. The Skinny On Pap Tests: Experts recommend asking about and for the ThinPrep Pap Test, noted for being more effective than the traditional Pap for detecting cervical cancer, but isn’t generally offered other than by specific request.
10. Veg Out: Add carrots (and other brightly colored veggies) to most meals from salads to sauces, even peanut butter and increase the amount of cancer-fighting beta-carotene in your diet.
11. Key Words and Tricky Phrases: Get familiar with common buzzwords such as “nonfat” or Fat-free” which denote at most half a gram of fat per serving. “Low-fat” suggests no more than three grams per serving; and “lite” products feature about 50 percent than fat than regular alternatives, while reduced fat foods offer only 28 percent less fat than regular options.
12. Exercise Your Options: From “strenuous” housework, to a relaxing “stroll”, or a more regimented program exercise is essential for the health of the body, mind, and spirit. Even just thinking about exercise can be beneficial. In fact, according to recent studies individuals were asked to visualize movements necessary for strengthening their muscles, and after 12 weeks, muscles has improved by about 35%. And, while it’s not as good as or a replacement for the real thing, experts say it works because it improves your brain’s ability to signal muscles to react.
13. Fancy Foot Work: Exercise your ankles at your desk to get the blood flowing and reduce tension.
14. Clock Out: Experts assert that most of us don’t fall asleep immediately after going to bed, and in fact most of us “stress” over the lack of rest we’ll be getting. They suggest pre-setting your alarm and turning your clock around so that you can’t see the actual time and avoid anxiety related to rest and sleep.
15. Protect Your Skin From The Sun: Besides wearing protective eyewear, headgear, and lathering your skin in sunscreen, experts suggest adding sunscreen (Sun Guard) to your laundry. Adding a sunscreen to your wash prevents the sun’s damaging rays from reaching your skin by adding an “invisible” coating of SPF 30 that lasts through more than 20 wash cycles.
16. Plan Ahead: Don’t only focus on work, but on fun. In fact, experts suggest that you take time out each week to plan and visualize the upcoming weekend and what you will do. Something to look forward to can make the week more bearable.
17. Make Some (Positive) Hand Gestures: Professionals recommend taking a break from “tedious” repetitive activity and shaking out your hands by rotating them on your wrists.
18. Reel In A Heart Healthy Diet: Consider cutting up and freezing some fish and serving it up a few times a week. Experts in fact assert that just four seafood meals a month can cut your risk for cardiovascular disease in half.
19. Talk To Strangers: Contrary to what mom taught you, striking up a conversation with strangers can actually be beneficial to your health, at least in regards to alleviating stress and anxiety. You don’t have to engage in a deep or “meaningful” exchange, in fact, small talk will do.
20. Take A Deep Breath: Create greater mental clarity and send oxygen to your brain by lying on your back with your knees to your chest and your arms at your sides, inhaling through your nose and letting your stomach expand. Continue by exhaling through your nose and allowing your chest and stomach “collapse”.
21. Blot Before You Bite: Research reveals that patting your slice of pizza before taking your first bite can eliminate about 14 percent of the total fat, 17 percent of the saturated fat, and 17 percent of the cholesterol.
22. Add some whole oats to your toast or morning cereal. Experts note this soluble fiber help you feel full faster, so you eat less and save on calories.
23. Go “A Wall”: When you’re feeling the toll of a long day, take off your shoes and lie on the floor, perpendicular to a wall and “walk” your feet up the wall, scooting your butt as close to the wall as possible so that your body forms an L. Stay in this position with your eyes closed, allowing blood that usually stays in your legs drain away from those areas, giving you extra energy.
24. Move For A Minute: Pick a simple exercise that you can complete in a minute. And, try to complete at least 10 to 12 reps. Choose one specific activity and target area daily and work on strengthening those muscles a minute at a time.
25. Tickle Your Funny Bone: Try to find something humorous in your day or try to thing about something that makes you laugh or brings a smile to your face. According to experts humor and smiling relieves muscle tension and defuses other agitations.
26. Do The Peppermint Twist: Indulge in some natural peppermint candy or peppermint tea. According to experts, this herb has an instant calming and soothing effect.
27. Add Some Shine To Your Nose: Often dry environments can make your nose burn or itch. Experts suggest rubbing some pure sesame oil to the insides of your nostrils.
28. Tune Out: Shut off cell phones, Blackberrys, answering machines, etc., at least for a few hours. Giving yourself some private “preoccupation” time can significantly help reduce your worry and your stress.
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Medical “Miracles”: Some Simple Ways To Take Better Care Of Your Health
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