Spare Change How To Stretch Your Money
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Using your money sparingly, especially now that there’s two of you, is a great way to ensure always having some pocket change.
Want to turn that spare change in dollars? Here are a few tips to cash in on:
Go To Savings…Go Directly To Savings…Do Not Pass Checking: Whether you’ve thought about direct deposit or already have it…you may also want to inquire about direct savings. Set up a savings account to which a pre-determined amount of money is apportioned each week or month. The money comes directly out (of your check/checking account) the day you are paid. This allows
Become A “Recording” Artist Come up with a fun, creative way to track your spending habits. Log money spent and on what during a certain time frame, then evaluate your expenditures and focus on frivolous financing. You just may be shock at how much you squander.
Give YOURSELF An Allowance: Establish a weekly budget. After reserving funds for the necessities (including bills, rent, etc) reward yourself with a comfortable amount to “play” with. Remember, though it may be difficult, do NOT allow yourself to exceed the allotted amount.
Make A Call To Action: Consider using calling cards or pay as you go phones in lieu of your current cell. These plans tend to cost you less because you only entitled to a specific amount of time, encouraging you to talk less.
Become A “Cash Cow” Get rid of your credit and make all your purchases in cash. If you really feel like “indulging”, wait a while and determine if you still want to make the purchase.
Cut Back On Expenses One Step At A Time: Cut gas or public transportation costs by walking where and when you can. This is a great way to incur some extra savings, help the environment and burn off any unwanted pounds or calories. Put A Deep Freeze On Poor Spending Habits. Instead of always purchasing “live” foods (which tend to spoil quite quickly and result in a waste of nourishment and money) think about buying some non-perishables, especially freezable foods that are healthy (for you), safe, and “on sale”. Also consider frequenting venues that sell in bulk. Stock up and save.
Don’t Forget To Itemize: Take an inventory of what you eat and what just sits around in your cabinets just waiting to be donated to your local soup kitchen. Cut back on “waste” and wasteful spending by eliminating these items from your cart. Make a “menu” and a list for the next week or two and stick to items on that list.
Bottle It Up: Consider keeping small change in jar to use for “unforeseen” expenditures or “special treats”….or to eventually deposit in a special (savings) account.
Long Island Money & Careers Articles
Spare Change How To Stretch Your Money