Spring Forward: Spring Into Action With A Fool-Proof Fitness Routine
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By Mia Bolaris-Forget
I absolutely LOVE the notion of flex-time. In fact, during the holiday season it gave me extra time to find the “perfect” present for all those “hard-to-buy-for” people, that I actually enjoy having in my life and want to please. But, on a daily basis, at least in theory, it’s suppose to give me extra time at home to prepare dinner and prepare myself for a nice meal with my spouse. Still, rarely do I sit down before 8 or 9 o’clock. And, part of that preparation is time for me to “unwind” and take care of by body, mind, and health with a daily fitness regimen. Still, there are days when do to obligations or extenuating circumstances I find myself running late and like most of us, my first inclination is to cut corners and compromise, first and foremost on myself. But, with spring almost here to stay, skipping my daily workout may not be the wisest idea.
Yet, according to fitness “fanatics” and gurus, none of us really has any viable excuse.
1. All you need is 20 minutes three times a week to change your life and your looks. Sure, the results may take a bit longer, but with every 20 minutes you get that much closer.
2. No equipment required. In fact, experts assert that all your really need, if you don’t have time or money for a gym or home fitness equipment is the often excess natural body weight you are carrying around, be it on your hips, buttocks, stomach or thighs.
3. Make it a family affair. Use your workout time wisely and teach your kids about good fitness habits while also bonding with them. Invite them to join you at their pace and level. For younger kids, pop in a video that will keep them entertained while you get in shape.
4. Keep your workout interesting by switching it up every other day, choosing music you like to work out to, or tuning in to your favorite show while you step, tread, or bike.
5. Prevent fitness pitfalls by starting out slow. If you try to do too much too soon, you may get discouraged. Start at your own pace and customize your workout specifically for you.
6. Use videos in lieu of a personal trainer.
7. Don’t forget the strength training, it’s important for building muscle and shedding fat. And, if you’re concerned about bulk, just use lighter weights (more reps) but if you want a lean look, you must do these suggested essential exercises.
Long Island Health, Fitness & Beauty Articles
Spring Forward: Spring Into Action With A Fool-Proof Fitness Routine