A Smile to Keep You Warm: Staying Ahead of the Rainy-Day Blues
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 By Rachel Derry Staff Writer LIFamilies
Now that fall has arrived, and inevitably winter will be in tow, it may be time now to prepare yourself for a long, rainy season. Although there will be plenty of crisp, clear fall days, there will likely be just as many rainy workdays that make you wish that you could just stay in bed! Beat those rainy day blues with a little bit of your own sunshine. No matter how down you may feel with those clouds overhead, be sure to put a smile on your face. Smiles are contagious, so soon everyone around you will be doing the same. That’s not all: usually when you put a smile on your face you’re usually cheering yourself up in the end, as well.
Pack your lunch for the day, and make sure that it’s something comforting. Nothing is better on a dreary, rainy day than a warm bowl of soup. Bring a couple cans along for the week; not only will you save a dollar or two by not going out to eat, you don’t have to go out at all! This keeps you comfortable and warm indoors.
Think warm and comfortable for your day ahead. Even on a muggy, warm fall day you can catch a chill if your office tends to be on the cooler side. Plan ahead and wear something that will keep you cozy throughout your work day. Nothing is worse than being damp and cold!
Make time for a cup of comfort at some point during the day. Take five minutes to grab a cup of herbal tea or hot cocoa from the cafeteria or kitchen at work. You’ll warm up your body and soul from the inside out, and besides, it’s hard not to smile with your favorite tea warming up your hands!
Lastly, keep yourself busy with any projects that have been looming over your head. You may find yourself backed up at times with more work than you know what to do with. Use a rainy day as inspiration to plow head-first into a waiting project. By the time you’re done you’ll look up and realize that the day in gone and it’s time to get home to your pj’s!
Long Island Home & Lifestyle Articles
A Smile to Keep You Warm: Staying Ahead of the Rainy-Day Blues