Holiday Hotness: Staying Slim and Sexy This Food-Filled Season
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By mia bolaris-forget
They say “there’s no place like home for the holidays”…but home holiday parties can spell diet disaster, especially for those who want to look fabulous on New Year’s eve and who look forward to slipping into that “little black, perhaps backless, dress”.
So, how can you wine and dine in style without putting on a pound or two. Nutrition experts have a few delicious suggestions.
· Reach for “healthy” hors d’oeuvres alternatives: Reach for raw veggies with low fat cheese or dip instead of sugar-laden cookies and cakes or salt-saturated chips. You may also want to opt for spicier selections to help revv your metabolism.
· Hit the gym before hitting the party: Working out before the festivities begin may mean not only giving yourself a little more freedom when it comes to foods you choose (since your metabolism will be amped), but also help you feel better about you and how you look. Plus, the adrenaline rush will leave you craving healthier fare making step one that much easier.
· Don’t attend on an empty stomach: Have some nuts or a fruit or two so that you don’t approach the buffet on an empty belly. Remember…protein-rich snack are the best since their healthy and will keep you feeling full longer, while also giving your metabolism a boost.
· Less is more: pick up a smaller plate and fill “that” till it seems full. This visual trick, tricks your mind into believing you are eating more than you actually are. And, piling your plate with veggies and protein-packed meats and fish is a great way to fill up without breaking your healthy eating rules.
· Slow down: Savour the flavours on your plate. Slowing down your eating pace help digestion and helps keep portion sizes in check. Keep in mind that it takes the brain at least 20 minutes to realize the stomach is full, so give yourself a breather between refills.
· Split it in half: There’s nothing wrong with indulging your cookie or cake cravings as long as you do it in moderation. Have only half of what you put on your plate or split it with a friend.
· Pick one or the other: Do you want a decadent drink or a decadent dessert. Pick one and make “that” your special treat for the evening.
· Food Before Drink: While most people tend to grab a drink before they start enjoying the appetizers, its best to switch it around. Alcohol not only lowers your “inhibitions” but also bolsters hunger and food cravings. So, remember to eat before drinking, to limit your drinks, and to keep yourself hydrated with some water between cocktails.
· Think Ahead: If you know you have a host of parties coming up, you may want to cut back on what you eat throughout the week and on that day. NO, do not starve yourself…simply opt for smaller portions and for items such as soups, salads or lean proteins, rather than sandwiches and the such.
Long Island Weightloss Articles
Holiday Hotness: Staying Slim and Sexy This Food-Filled Season