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Where There Is a Will…:Strengthening Your Will Power

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By Rachel Derry
Staff Writer LIFamilies

In a world full of temptations, it is far too easy to give in to what looks, feels, and tastes good when it is so readily available. Take for example a new year's resolution of eating and living healthier. We all know this ambition, and many of us even set it as our goal this year. How easily do you give up, though, as soon as a tantalizing alternative comes around? "I know I said I'm eating healthier this year, but who can resist 2 for 1 beer and appetizers?!" Yes, I've done it, too. Heck, that is me speaking, literally, not as an example.

It's so easy to get swayed because it is all a matter of will power. It is very hard to keep your will power strong when it is working so hard against what you're subconsciously craving for. We use our will power every day to keep us on the straight and narrow (and to stop us from buying that gorgeous new bag or shoes we saw), but sometimes our will power is fighting an extreme uphill battle to help get us where we want to be. For these times, there are ways of exercising and strengthening our wills to help us trudge through a world of temptations.

Here are couple easy strengthening tools to keep in mind to help you and your will power to win out:

Eliminate negative influences from your life. This may be your favorite cooking shows, your favorite store to walk through, or that negative-Nancy friend of yours who always brings the gloom to your accomplishments. You don't have to eliminate these factors for forever, just remove the temptation from your life now to keep you strong in the long run.

If you fall, get up and start over again. Because you are always fighting a war of the wills, you may get side tracked and fall backwards once in a while. Don't let yesterday's failings be today's excuses. Start over again and move forward strong.

Seek out those who share a similar goal with you. Misery loves company, but so does success and camaraderie. Hang out with those who can cheer you on and understand your struggles. Also, find new favorite hobbies, such as a healthy living magazine and yoga, to help replace the other negative favorites that you may be missing.

Use laziness as inspiration to keep going. When you are feeling just plain lazy and don't FEEL like moving forward towards your goal, use it as the motivation that moves your feet that day. Don't give into the desire to just vegetate, because that is your subconscious fighting to break your will power. Go for a walk, clean some more around the house, or take the kids to that amusement park/play ground that you have been procrastinating about.

Always remember to acknowledge failure, but never admit defeat. When you do fail it is only a sign of needing to begin again. Maybe your goal was too wide: maybe it was too extreme. Reprioritize and start over again until you reach success.

Long Island Health, Fitness & Beauty Articles > Where There Is a Will…:Strengthening Your Will Power

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