Getting Away From It All: Summer Fun For Every Budget
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 You must be a logged in user to report a bad post! By Mia Bolaris-Forget
With life getting more and more expensive, it seems that things we often took for granted as kids, may simply not be as readily available or possible for our children. From continually escalating and astronomical gas prices, to the cost of (daily) living and the rates of hotel, airfare, etc, excursions to some of our favorite childhood retreats may require a bit more careful planning and saving. But, according to experts, you can make your families dreams come true with just a little cleaver creativity.
1. Figure Out Finances: First things first. So, first of all you need to look at your financial picture and determine how much you have to or are willing to spend without putting yourself in dept. Divide this amount by a reasonable daily budget to establish how long you can stay.
2. Discuss Your Options: Talk over a variety of options with the family, so that if one falls through or is not affordable, you have and acceptable “backup” plan you can rely on.
3. Include The Kids: Besides getting input about where the family would like to go, experts suggest speaking candidly with your kids about how much everything costs and what options are available, and/or what compromises are necessary to make the vacation both possible and enjoyable. You may even want to ask for suggestions for your kids and they may even be able to “contribute” through allowance money or earned income giving them a sense of involvement and responsibility.
4. Hit The Road: Road trips have forever been a family tradition and a great way to explore the country and get a hands-on lesson in geography and history. Look online for tip on where to find the least expensive gas, sites and accommodations available, etc. Then pack your bags and get on the road.
5. Wheel and Deal: Check online for theme park and family vacation packages. According to experts, if you know where to look and where to go, you can do several family vacations for the price most spend on just one trip.
6. Get Out More Often: Instead of a vacation at a popular resort (especially during peak season). Consider a vacation at a nearby cottage, a fishing trip or camping (if the family is okay with it). According to experts doing some of these things can be relatively inexpensive, but they note that with an increase in popularity and with some campgrounds requiring reservations, you’ll want to make plans well in advance.
7. Travel (Back) In Time: Consider visiting a variety of historical sites or museums around the country where you can learn about the past, and perhaps your heritage by reliving it.
8. Homeward Bound:The More The Merrier: Look to your place of worship, organizations you belong to, even at work for people with similar interests, financial and social situation and see if they’d be interested in joining you and sharing the cost.
Long Island Travel & Leisure Articles
Getting Away From It All: Summer Fun For Every Budget