The Fine Dining Diet: Taking The “Die” out of Diet
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
I recently attended a family event that (of course) centered around food, which logically had most of us talking about how we try to keep fit and trim. And, while for the most part, I couldn’t necessarily notice anyone that was “out of shape”, as far as health risks may be concerned, I did hear A LOT of complaints about how despite a healthy diet and exercise, achieving each individual’s ideal weight remains for most of us, a weighty issue.
Well, according to experts, even those who staunchly advocate against “dieting”, but instead insist on a delicious lifestyle change, which means (most) everything in moderation, there are certain foods that are a definite don’t.
Among these:
· Trans and Saturated Fats: Does that mean you can NEVER have another French-fry or potato-chip as long as you live. Not necessarily. It merely means you should try to eliminate them from your food selection as much as possible, reserving them for once or twice a year holiday parties and even then, limiting your intake.
· Simple Sugars: So, you’ve got a sweet tooth….but it’s anything but sweet on your waistline. With that said, while an occasional indulgence won’t destroy your “diet”, it’s best to avoid items made with high fructose corn syrup as well as refined table sugar.
· Sodium: Limit your intake of sodium as much as possible, or, better yet, eliminate it all together, at least when cooking at home. Remember, sodium is present in most pre-packaged foods anyway…and your daily intake should not exceed 2300 milligrams.
· White Flour: Sure we all LOVE bread but white flour is huge NO-NO. According to experts, this typical (food) staple is devoid of nutrients and full of empty calories.
· Soda Pop: There is simply NO compromise on this one. Even if it’s diet soda, ELIMINATE it from your diet.
Dietary Dos:
· Whole grains: The best alternative to white flour. From whole grain breads to a variety of whole grain pasta this is a healthier way to enjoy your carbs. But, again, keep carbs intake in check.
· Fruits and veggies: A great way to fill up without packing on the pounds. In fact, experts suggest loading half your plate with veggies at every meal, and that means fruits for your dessert plate as well…just be careful of your sugar intake, even if it IS natural.
· Olive Oil, Canola oil, nuts and avocados: These are tasty, “good-for-you” fats that should be among your dietary basics, note experts.
· Protein: An excellent way to power up without packing on the pounds. Think fish, soy and élan cuts of meat.
· Vegetarian Fare: Fill your plate with vegetarian favorites a few times a week. Think foods like tofu, hummus, etc.
· Satisfy Your Snack Attack: While you should always opt for healthy alternatives, recognize your cravings and allow yourself a 150-calorie snack of your choice daily. This is a great way to avoid temptation by “partially” giving into it and taking some of the edge off.
Long Island Health, Fitness & Beauty Articles
The Fine Dining Diet: Taking The “Die” out of Diet