A Daily Dose Of Delicious: Tasty Ways To Take Your Vitamins
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 You must first be logged in to post a new topic. If you are not registered, please click "Create Account". By Mia Bolaris-Forget
When it comes to computers, at least “back in the day”, they use to say “Garbage in, garbage out”, and the same holds true for our bodies and our health. The “problem” is that the good foods don’t taste good to most, especially to children. But, childhood is the best and most important time for developing healthy eating habits. So, what’s a mom to do? Well, it’s time for some good old-fashioned “ingenuity”, and some new recipes that will allow you to sneak fruits and veggies into your child’s favourite foods.
Here are the A, B, C is some delicious and healthy kid-friendly recipes:
A is for avocado: Add it to Strawberry smoothies or ranch dressing for an excellent added source of vitamin-C, fiber, and mono-unsaturated fats.
C is for Cauliflower: Camouflage it in mashed potatoes, scrambles eggs or cheese sauce for an added boost of vitamin-C and folate. Simply cook 1 cup of cauliflower florets and drain. Then, puree with a hint of water or milk until it gets smooth. Mash with equal parts of potato; or whisk in about a ½ a cup of florets with 2 eggs prior to scrambling; or whisk ¼ cup into 1 cup cheese sauce for three very healthy and tasty treats.
P is for pumpkin: Put it in Ketchup or pasta sauce and give your little one some extra vitamin A, fiber, beta carotene, and alpha carotene. Add ¼ cup canned pumpkin puree to 1cup ketchup or pasta sauce and blend; or whisk ¼ cup into 1 cup already heated cheese sauce.
S is for spinach: Sneak it into chocolate shakes, pasta sauce, brownies, or zucchini muffins and boost your child’s intake of vitamins A and C, calcium, iron, fiber, lutein, and beta carotene. Simple puree ½ dup frozen and thawed (chopped) spinach with 2 cups chocolate shake or 1 cup pasta sauce prior to cooking. Another option is mixing ½ cup chopped and thawed spinach into brownie or muffin mix before baking.
Long Island Health, Fitness & Beauty Articles
A Daily Dose Of Delicious: Tasty Ways To Take Your Vitamins