Food Patrol: Technology Allows Parents To Monitor Kids Eating Habits
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Monitoring your children and their behavior (including making sure they observe healthy eating habits and behaviors), but once they’re in school and maybe you’re back to work (at least for a few hours), you can’t supervise their every mood.
But, now with the help of modern technology, you may be able to keep track of at least some of their decisions at least those pertaining to food.
As your child punches in his or her code for the prepaid account you (the parent) have set up, a warning is sounded, alerting school cafeteria officials that your child has a food restriction and alerting him or her to return the restricted item.
A new device developed by a technologies company allows parents to setup prepaid lunch accounts eliminating the need for children to carry money while still being able to order lunch.
Additionally, it alerts the cafeteria cashier as to any food allergies or parent recommended restrictions for the child, eliminating any possibility for them to make a poor nutritional decision. Plus, parents can access the account online to keep track of their child’s eating behavior and make any necessary amendments.
However, experts are concerned that lower-income families (sans access to a computer) would not be able to participate, making both them, and their children feel left out. Yet, other assert that these families may meet with school cafeteria officials and work with them personally with regards to their child’s nutritional needs and restrictions.
And, while prepaid lunches are quite common (for at least the last decade), the ability to monitor your child’s choices is fairly recent, leaving nutrition experts hopeful that it can help keep kids healthy and fit, and help combat against childhood obesity.
Long Island Technology Articles
Food Patrol: Technology Allows Parents To Monitor Kids Eating Habits