Fabulously Frugal: The Art Of Pinching Pennies
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By mia bolaris-forget
Most young kids and perhaps even young kids think compromising means having to share a room, their “toys”, or a computer. But, there are many of us who remember parents waiting on LONG gas lines, walking to the stores, clipping coupons, and even having “food stamps” from A& P. Well, besides giving away my age, the point is that it is and always has been possible, even plausible to live on less. But, frugality has become a four-letter word in our society.
Still, as I peruse the news and boards and hear story after story about stock markets plunging, people losing their jobs, and the prevailing “economic crisis”, I continue to be inspired by people like the 93 year-old grandmother turned you tube “chef”, who shares via the net her favourite recipes that carried herself and her family through The Great Depression. And, I am encouraged to continue to cut back.
Ironically, and don’t get me wrong, dh and I have plenty of amenities and toys, but I’ve never been one for designer brands or the latest trend in technology, especially since it’s going to be obsolete in approximately six months. Still, I kept my “penny-pinching” private, only to find that’s its now a coveted skill that’s increasing in popularity.
According to financial experts, budgeting is becoming the new “black” and so is a much-maligned and forgotten, “back-to-basics” mentality. What that translates into, is people redefining success, measuring it not by what or how much their own, but how well they embrace and live life, and that includes how well they can manage with less, and how successful they are at saving (rather than spending) money. Even those with ample disposable income are choosing to be choosy about spending their money, how, and saving more than they use to.
Consumers and households, they it may not be helping much in helping bolster the economy, are seeking out more meaningful purchases and looking for the best bargain for their buck. And, it all starts with subtle changes like eating more at home, brown, bagging lunches, making your own coffee, and cutting your own lawn.
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Fabulously Frugal: The Art Of Pinching Pennies