Bare Necessities: The Bare Essentials For Daring To Bare
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Though many of us were recently left wondering if things would ever heat up here on Long Island, lots of us (ladies) have likely been daydreaming about the day when the sun’s radiant rays will allow us to do our own little expose, baring our arms, legs, and the sexy soul and soulful spirit, that had been secluded all winter long.
But, showing off your shape, for many, means being, staying or getting in shape. And, that as we all know is much harder than it sounds.
1. Start out by stepping out of your comfort zone, especially when it comes to exercise While your body “does “burn” (some) calories on its own, the more you move, the more you burn. So from housework to actual activity such a gardening, or hitting the gym, the sooner you get your fitness-on the sooner you can get your bikini on.
2. Keep your “engine” well-fueled: Sure, cutting down or back on calories may be a smart thing to do, but starving yourself “can” be counterproductive. Instead, make sure your machine has enough gas for running properly all day. Start your day off with a good, nutritious breakfast and keep the engine revving by fueling it with small, healthy snacks between smaller healthy meals all throughout the day.
3. Treat yourself every once in a while: Cutting out “bad for you foods” is highly recommended, but depriving yourself is not. Allow yourself to give in (moderately) into temptation once in a while. Satisfying your craving can help you stave them off in the future, and if you indulge in a balanced manner, probably won’t put a (big) dent in your “diet” either.
4. Flexibility is key: Working out daily is a “must’, but you may not always have the time, not even for just 30-minutea a day. If you skip a day, simply play “catch-up” or find other ways to fit fitness into daily duties and routine. For instance…heading to the mall? Consider strapping on a pair of ankle weights and power-walking on the path to where you’re going; or consider walking or biking instead of driving to your destination.
5. Less is more…at least when it comes to portion size: While you may believe you can consume as much as your date or mate (and maybe you can), it’s probably NOT a good idea, especially as far as your figure is concerned. Remember, most men are built differently, have more muscle mass, and are taller, all which likely effect why they can easily eat more. So, if your guy is anything like mine, and can eat anything and everything he wants without putting on so much as a pound (even when sitting down), don’t make the mistake of presuming you can do the same. You are what you are, and females are smaller overall, and not with as much lean muscle. So, even when your guy is indulging his guiltiest food pleasures, YOU should always try to pick wisely.
Long Island Weightloss Articles
Bare Necessities: The Bare Essentials For Daring To Bare