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Hurts So Good: The Benefits Of Morning Sickness

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By Mia Bolaris-Forget

Not every woman goes through it, but most, at some point do, and some experience it more “severely” than others. Where talking about morning sickness, which, by the way, can strike at ANY time during the day, limiting what mom can eat, tolerate or how much she can do.

But, according to experts, this is not only “normal” but also a way to protect the embryo and a good sign of a healthy pregnancy. But, it’s not, say experts, a by-product of all healthy pregnancies and it seems to occur only in humans.

Yet, some suggest that it’s the baby and your body protecting you from potential harm, shielding moms-to-be from things like red meats, strong-tasting veggies, traditionally linked to food-borne microbes or birth defect-causing chemicals; alcohol and cigarette
Smoke. And, in fact, most women who do experience morning sickness, experience the symptoms at the exact stage where the embryo developments is most susceptible to chemical disruption, at between six and 18 weeks of pregnancy.

Experts add that this “human-only” phenomenon may be due to the fact, that we have a much broader diet (packed with unhealthy options and choices) than other mammals, including primates, and it’s our body’s way of protecting itself, us, and our babies, during this extremely crucial time.

Long Island Pregnancy Articles > Hurts So Good: The Benefits Of Morning Sickness

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