The Willy Loman Warning: The Better Business Bureau Says Buyers Beware
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 By mia bolaris-forget
I feel one of my “callings” in life is to help other people. While not always without (at least initially) judging, though I’m trying to be better, to not question, but to inspire and reach out. And, I’m confidant I’m not alone.
But, we live in a day and age, where lending a helping hand isn’t quite as simple or “cut and dry” as it use to be, especially when the “pan-handlers” are now going door to door. Let’s face it, door-to-door is nothing new…but years ago, you could be assured that those on your doorstep were professionals and NOT professional shisters or criminals. But, today, you may be putting your life in jeopardy by responding to a ring a the front door.
It’s also no secret that even if the person you answer to doesn’t post a threat to your life and well-being, chances are they are anything but legit…but instead professional scammers who are skilled at duping you out of your hard earned funds by tugging at your heartstrings.
One of the most recent scams is door to door magazine sales. Young men and women approach, unsuspecting homeowners and local residents with a sob story and a product (in this case magazines) that will help them get out of their rut and back on their feet. Typically interested parties are sold items at a “discounted” fee, but never receive them. In addition, when the “dupped” consumer calls to complain they are placated with a promise of a refund, which they also never receive.
In fact, in one special investigation and report, some even came forth and confirmed the scam….So, buyer beware!!!
For more information pay a visit to the Better Business Bureau at before buying anything for a “traveling salesman”.
Long Island Safety Articles
The Willy Loman Warning: The Better Business Bureau Says Buyers Beware