H2-OH: The Bountiful Benefits Of Water
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
With summer in the air...you may, like many of us have found that not only do you perspire more...but that you need to replenish more with water....and that's a good thing....after all we all know how important water is and that we should all be drinking at least 8 (8-ounce) glasses each day.
Here are the top 11 benefits of staying hydrated.
1. Water helps keep you fit and trim: Water is an integral and important part of a healthy diet. In fact, it can help you lose weight by flushing down the byproducts of fat breakdown. In addition, water often acts as an appetite suppressant, reducing hunger and causing you to eat less....and it has (especailly in comparison to other beverages and drinks) zero calories.
2. Water is a natural pain reliever: Drinking water can help alleviate headache and also helps with some back pains primarily those caused by dehydration...which by the way are quite common.
3. Water "is" the fountain of youth: Drinking water helps keep skin looking young and healthy by replenishing tissues, moisturizing skin (from the inside out), and increasing skin elasticity.
4. Water is a natural energy enhancer: Drinking water helps keep your body temperature under control and helps keep your energy levels up by fueling muscles...and that means giving you the strength you need to stay active, to exercise and keep healthy.
5. Water is a brain booster: Just like coffee water helps keep you alert. In fact, since your brain is made up of mostly water, drinking plenty of H2O can help your cognitive abilities...including helping you think better (and faster), keeping you alert and helping with concentration.
6. Water gives you a natural metabolic boost: That's right...drinking plenty of water raises your metabolism and helps with digestion. In fact, water and fiber work together to help you with proper digestion and to avoid constipation.
7. Water can help keep you healthy by improving the immune system: A natural remedy for the common cold, water can help keep away the flu and other ailments such as kidney stones and heart attack. Add lemon and fight off respiratory disease, intestinal problems, rheumatism, arthritis, etc.
8. Water helps fight fatigue: Helping your body get rid of toxins and wastes, water helps flush your body of all those things that can weigh you down. For example...if you don't drink enough water your heart needs to work harder to pump out oxygenated blood to your cells and vital organs...and that means your organs are working extra hard and are tired...and when your organs are tired...so are you.
9. Water helps reduce risk of injury: Keeping properly hydrated helps ensure muscles and joints stay supple and lubricated and that translates into fewer aches, strains, sprains, and cramps.
10. Water is a natural "feel good" drink: Looking for a healthy way to "adjust your attitude"...put down the beer and pick up a glass of ice cold water. Water is essential for body function, so keeping hydrated helps keep you body feeling good and that, in turn, helps keep you feel happy and good.
11. Water can help stave off or reduce your cancer risk: According to some studies drinking plenty of water helps proper functioning of your digestive system and that may mean a lower risk of bladder and colon cancer. This, because water helps dilute the concentration of cancer-causing agents in the urine and lesson the time they stay in contact with the bladder lining.
Long Island Health, Fitness & Beauty Articles
H2-OH: The Bountiful Benefits Of Water