Child’s Play: The New Fun And Fabulous Fitness Craze
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Remember how much fun it was being a kid. Prior to computer and video games most of us never sat still, except perhaps when we were doing our homework. And, that’s probably why most of us were typically physically fit.
And, if you’re not the strip tease or pole dancing type, but rather someone who’d be more comfortable getting in shape without having to (practice) getting out of you clothes, then you’re in luck
The latest fitness craze sweeping the country elicits images of childhood fitness and fun. It’s all about Hula-hoops, dodge-ball, relay races, jumping rope, tag and believe it or not, tug-of-war. And, some of your favorite fitness facilities have a staff member monitoring the game and keeping score.
And, if you don’t belong to a gym, or yours has yet to include these classes on their smorgasbord of offerings, just grab some friends and head outdoors for some old fashioned fun.
Long Island Health, Fitness & Beauty Articles
Child’s Play: The New Fun And Fabulous Fitness Craze