Hear Say: The Scoop On Cell Phone Safety
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By Mia Bolaris-Forget
The jury may still be out on a definitive conclusion about the safety of cell phones, but that doesn’t mean that we need to “ignore” the warnings or the potential dangers. In fact, to quote an old adage, it’s probably better to “be safe than sorry”
Even experts agree that holding your cell up to your head is probably not wise and potentially health threatening and detrimental. And, they strongly recommend using an earpiece or your speakerphone. In fact, they strongly recommend that children, since they tend to have thinner skulls and brains still in development, should only use cell phones in case of emergency.
Another precaution to take is keeping cell phones away from your pocket of clipping them to your belt, since it’s likely they are causing your bone marrow to decay. Not to mention that some suggest that there is a link between cell phones and certain types of cancer, and note that holding it close to your head is like playing Russian roulette.
With that said, it now becomes a question of finding the safest method of communicating without putting your health or your lifestyle at risk.
Speakerphones seem to be a favourite among the experts, since there is no direct contact with your body or your head. And, they add that this method is especially effective the further you hold it from your body and head, with an inch or two being noted as the ideal and recommended distance.
Another good alternative is a wired headset with a ferrite bead, or clip that you put on the wire of the headset to absorb the radiation that is emitted by the wire, so that you don’t. In fact, studies suggest that ferrite beads absorb enough radiation that you can’t even measure it with the devise on the wire. However, if your clip your phone to your hip or your bet, you are defeating the purpose, since the phone will be radiating directly into your body. With that said, they suggest keeping it as far from your body or person as possible.
Bluetooth earpiece devices are the “least” favourite of the experts as they note that while more “convenient” and still a better option than no earpiece at all, they still emit radiation. But, it’s at least 100 times less than the radiation you’re exposed to without an earpiece. Still, experts form the Israeli government say that when it comes to health and safety an earpiece with a wire. But, they caution AGAINST wearing it or keeping it in your ear, when you’re NOT on the phone or speaking to someone.
They go on to add that while Bluetooth only gives off a minimal amount of radiation, most people tend to wear it more than they need to and needlessly expose themselves to higher and higher levels of potentially dangerous radiation. At the very least they recommend switching it from ear to ear, limiting the exposure (to radiation) on each side.
Yet, technology experts suggest that even Bluetooth earpieces give off 200 times less energy than cell phones ad that there’s no (convincing) evidence that Bluetooth has any negative or harmful effects on its users.
Long Island Safety Articles
Hear Say: The Scoop On Cell Phone Safety