Eat, Drink, And Be Skinny: The Skinny on Getting And Staying In Shape For “The Big Day”
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
From the minute you (two) met, you tasted the many fruits (cakes, ice creams, romantic dinners) of love, and now that you’ve got a ring on your finger, and perhaps a bit of a “ring” around your waist as well, you’re stressing over looking your bridal best for walking down the aisle and then along the Isles.
If the “stress” of waiting for him to officially “pop” the question or “obsessing” over planning the perfect wedding hasn’t helped you shed those extra pounds, now you can look forward to all those delicious parties leading up to “The Big Day”.
However, experts are quick to assert that you can feast on love without biting off more than you can chew and compromising shaping up for “The Big Day”.
1. Never Leave The House On An Empty Stomach: Whether you’re meeting mom or some friends for a shopping spree and some lunch, or you’re attending a gourmet fete given in your honor, it’s no secret that most of us tend to eat more (high calorie) foods when we are out. From the warm buttered rolls (pre-appetizers), to the main course and dessert, the only way to avoid seven course meals from adding seven extra inches to your waistline is by (surprise!) eating less. Make sure to nibble on or steer (all-together) clear of all those tasty extras that are responsible for all those extra calories and pounds. Health and nutrition experts suggest eating a healthy, “filling”, low calorie snack before leaving the house. This will not only curb your appetite, but also because you’ll be less hungry, make it easier to pass up on the hors d’oeuvres and dessert, as well as choose your main meal more wisely.
2. Push Up Your “Deadline”: Many brides make the “mistake” of trying to lose all the weight by their wedding day, which leaves them with a gown that is either too big or two small, and both resulting in the need for major alterations and extra expenses. Industry experts suggest striving to reach your goal BEFORE you purchase your gown. Not only will your weight be one less thing to worry about, but you will also save on alterations, and know exactly how you’ll look on your special day.
3. Pace Yourself and Push Yourself: Set a timeline for accomplishing specific goals. Realize that you can accomplish a lot in a short amount of time if you just stay focused. Dedicate one month to eating better, another to really “xtreme” fitness. Remain fastidious about adhering to your new routine and meeting your diet and fitness goals, and allow yourself a special (preferably non-caloric) treat for sticking to and meeting your objective.
4. Double Up: Accomplish twice as much in half the time. Consider a workout that focuses on more than one area (and/or one body part) at a time.
5. Personalize Your Routine: Get to know yourself, what works and what doesn’t. If you don’t like being confined to a gym, consider some outdoor activities that are fun and challenging, consider taking a dance class, etc. Schedule your workout at the times you feel it will be most effective and you will be most motivated. If you’re a morning person, you may not want to try to force yourself to work out after a long day at work.
6. Drink To Your Health: Drink lots of water and stay hydrated. If you feel inclined to opt for a sports drink, you may consider diluting it with three parts water. According to the pros, sports drinks are highly concentrated and any benefits you think they offer are just passing through your system with very little benefit to you.
7. Monitor Your Progress: Losing excessive amounts of weight, especially crash dieting/exercising can be physically stressful, especially on your heart. Professionals point out the importance of staying within your target heart rate. Do this by using a heart rate monitor.
8. Start “Packing”: Some snacks that is. Experts assert the importance of not allowing yourself get too hungry. They note, that when you’re “starving” you’re more apt to reach for an unhealthy snack than a healthy one. Keep some nuts, fruits, or an energy bar handy at all times, and get smart about quenching those cravings.
Long Island Health, Fitness & Beauty Articles
Eat, Drink, And Be Skinny: The Skinny on Getting And Staying In Shape For “The Big Day”