Cool Smoothies: The Snack That Prevents Snack Attack
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Snacking, while once thought of as “bad” for you, is now deemed quite the opposite. However, that all depends on what you’re snacking on. But, theirs is a difference between fueling up and filling up before each meal, with most of us reaching for the wrong foods to tackle the midday munchies, offering us plenty of extra calories, but failing to keep us full until our next (hopefully, healthy) meal.
So, what’s a hungry girl or guy to do? Go for a drink. That’s right a powerfully nutrient packed “green” drink that will keep you satisfied and full for hours.
Experts suggest a Buttermilk and Avocado Smoothie for fast and fabulous fuel. And, it’s only 145 calories.
Here’s what you’ll need:
1 cup organic, fat-free cottage cheese.
2 cups 1% low-fat buttermilk
½ ripe avocado, peeled, seeded and diced.
1 tablespoon organic agave nectar
4 ice cubes or ½ cup crushed ice.
Add cottage cheese and ½ cup buttermilk to blender, cover and mix until somewhat smooth, about 30 seconds. Scrape down sides (of blender) and add in avocado, cover and mix for about another 30 seconds before pouring in the remaining buttermilk and the agave nectar, covering and blending for 10 seconds. Add ice, cover and blend until thick and ice has melted.
Nutritional Information (per 1-cup serving; makes 4) Calories: 145 Saturated fat: 1.5 grams Unsaturated fat: 3 grams Carbohydrates: 15 grams Protein: 11 grams Fiber: 2 grams Calcium: 178 milligrams Sodium: 342 milligrams Magnesium: 7 milligram
Long Island Weightloss Articles
Cool Smoothies: The Snack That Prevents Snack Attack