Baby Steps: The Steps You Need To Take When Conceiving Gets Tricky
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Getting pregnant is supposed to be “fun”, at least that’s what most would hope or think. But, for many the process of starting a family is more frustrating than fun.
From finally making the decision to transition from couple to family, to waiting for that second pink line on the home pregnancy predictor kit, many couple stress over what should be relatively stress-free. And, for many the stress, along with other issues may spell, “infertility”.
Still, regardless of the stress and the struggles, there IS, say experts hope. And, they add there’s plenty couples can do, even if they need a little infertility intervention.
· Cool things down a bit: At least when it comes to relaxing and unwinding. In fact, it’s best if “dad” gets out of the hot tube, especially since nearly half of all infertility can be attributed to something wrong with the man. In fact, experts suggest that the high temps and sitting in them for extended periods of time can take its toll on sperm quality; as can obesity, smoking, heavy drinking or use of recreational drugs. And, say experts, women need to heed the same caution and advice.
· Predicting the future: While not “necessary”, it may help you determine whether you need to see an infertility specialist or not. Experts assert that doctors often tell you to “just keep trying” and using the kit can help you prove that you’ve been doing everything right, without any luck. Also, women under 35 should wait about a year before seeking the assistance of a specialists, unless you’ve had issue with endometriosis or your cycle, just to name a few. And, ladies over 35 shouldn’t wait any longer than six months before seeking outside professional help.
· Apply the 24/7 rule: Look for a reputable clinic that’s open 7 days as week. According to experts, when it comes to storing your eggs and/or implanting embryos, just one day can make a significant difference. Also, if your clinic of choice is NOT conveniently open 7 days a week, make sure they are working your cycle to fit their schedule.
· Develop a buddy system: Experts say actual or virtual cycle buddies can be one of the best things you can do. This is primarily another woman, on the same cycle as you, who is preferably also trying to conceive. And, she’s probably one of the few other people who truly understands what you are going through and doesn’t mind hearing it or talking about it, as long as you “too” are willing to share and listen.
· Get a second opinion: You should always feel like your doctor has YOUR best interests at heart and regardless of how long you’ve been going to him or her, or how much you (thought) you liked your doctor, the key is feeling like your getting the attention and the answers you want. Even if you just need to be reassured, rest assured that it’s perfectly okay to want and get a second opinion.
Long Island Infertility Articles
Baby Steps: The Steps You Need To Take When Conceiving Gets Tricky