Triple Play: Three Essential Vitamins For You and Your Baby
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
There’s been a lot of (positive) talk these days about the benefits of vitamin-D. In fact, a glass of milk, a piece of low-fat cheese, and 15-20 minutes (max) in the sun each day have been getting a lot of positive play (Grandmas all over the world take a bow). And, from giving us strong healthy boned, to staving off ailments and illnesses and boosting fertility and easing the symptoms of pregnancy, vitamins seem to be a vital part of our vitality.
And, now some suggest that they are an essential element for babies as well. Here are three that just may save a child’s life.
· Daily dose of D: According to experts infants can experience sudden convulsions or may find themselves “paralyzed” or unable to walk, both conditions that are preventable with a little vitamin-D.
Vitamin D is the one responsible to controlling calcium levels in the blood and a lack of vitamin D thrusts the body into a virtual panic mode where these essential D levels can be sent to extremes and lead to seizures or rickets ( a bone-softening disorder) in older kids.
Some studies suggest that the lack of this essential vitamin is often a by-product of breast feeding since breast mils in low in vitamin D. And, experts also suggest that the “problem” may be getting worse since modern day moms are also significantly deficient in this essential vitamin. An increased us to sunscreen on babies, also known to block out vitamin D from the sun, is another part of the deficiency equation, and a bigger issue for darker-skinned children who need more sunlight that their fair-skinned friends.
With that said, experts suggest that breastfed infants, especially those that drink less than a gallon of formula or milk weekly, should get vitamin D shots, but they also suggest consulting with YOUR physician first.
· Fabulous Folic acid: Women, especially those facing high-risk pregnancy can also put their (unborn) child at risk. Some of the most “common” risks are “neural tube defects” and “concotruncal cardiac defects”, both preventable via adequate intake of folic acid. In fact, when taken properly, prenatals can prevent 85 percent of neural tube defects and 50 percent of certain heart problems.
The “trick” is taking these vitamins prior to pregnancy. Once you’re pregnant it’s basically too late. You see the human spinal cord and heart form in just a few weeks after conception, before most ladies even know they’ve conceived, so taking prenatal vitamins after the fact does nothing to prevent birth defects.
Folic acid is found in a variety of grains, however it’s not enough to prevent birth defects, even for ladies who enjoy them regularly, making it necessary, according to experts for menstruating women to take a daily multi containing folic acid.
· Pumping Iron: It’s recommended that parents hold off on giving baby cow’s milk until he or she turn one, since cow’s milk is iron-deficient, and infants need iron to produce blood cells. On the other hand, breast milk has amble iron, but today’s infants are likely to be on formula by the time they are six months old, and most parents choose a low-iron formula fearing that too much iron causes constipation.
Still, according to experts, infants who were on “low-iron” formulas were 30 times likelier to develop iron-deficiency and become anemic, which can result in problems with cognitive development. With that said, experts urge parents to avoid low-iron formulas as best as possible and at all costs. After all, a significant lack of iron can lead to the need for an emergency transfusion.
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Triple Play: Three Essential Vitamins For You and Your Baby