Sparking To A Flame: Tip For Igniting Your Creative Flow
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 By Rachel Derry Staff Writer LIFamilies
With hectic home and work lives (many within the same environment: the work-from-homers and SAHM's, for example) it's hard to find the inspiration for either to complete the tasks and projects that may be looming over head. You may enjoy writing or drawing on your time off, and you just can't seem to find your flow. You may have a deadline for a new project that is ticking nearer, but you can't seem to find the ideas to set your task in motion. No need to worry (for worrying will only make it worse): it's time to take a step back and find the inspiration you need to let your imagination run free.
Start by cultivating your imagination and throwing all of its limitations out the window. Most creative minds end up stifling any preposterous or outrageous ideas that come to mind simply because they are exactly that; unrealistic. Let the unrealistic run wild for a little while, and let your imagination run for a little artistic time of its own. By catering to your most outlandish ideas you'll be amazed by what new, inventive prospects can come from it!
Look to nature to be your muse. Spend some rest and relaxation time outside, just observing the natural elements around you. Head out to local nature trails and hike through the woods, or take a long weekend to drive upstate to take in the colorful foliage of the change of season. Let the awe-inspiring beauty around you spark your creativity and invigorate your flow.
When you're stuck on an idea or project, and don't know how to progress it further, take the time to discuss it all with a confidant (friend, family, or coworker) to gain a fresh perspective. How often does it happen that you ask for help, only to find the solution yourself by the time help arrives? Sometimes by simply letting your ideas take life, discussing them with an outside source, you'll find the extra spark or new direction that you've been looking for.
Find time alone where you won't have to think about anything at all, especially the project at hand. Although it may sound counterproductive, by allowing your mind the shutdown time that it needs it will come back refreshed with new inspiration. Just like a good night's sleep or an afternoon nap can restore your sluggish, sleepy cognitive mind, a few hours away from the project at hand can have much the same regenerative properties.
No matter what you decide to do to get your creative flow going again, make sure to keep a pen and paper close at hand. Each of these ideas is meant to help you inspire your imagination: what happens if it works, but you have no way of recording your new ideas. If you head out to the world, make sure to pack a pad with your bottle of water; or keep your Smartphone or tablet close at hand!
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Sparking To A Flame: Tip For Igniting Your Creative Flow