Heads Up: Tips For Getting Tressed For Success
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Okay, so getting (back) in shape and updating your wardrobe is at the top of your “to-do” list for the New Year, and for helping YOU create a new and improved, “sexier”, more youthful, perhaps more healthy YOU. But, according to beauty experts, there’s another secret to beating the beauty blahs, especially those brought on by the darker days of winter and perhaps some of the excess pounds we piled on over the holidays.
Whether you need to get yourself motivated or want to show off your success, a new “doo” can help you do just that. The key say experts is not necessarily waiting until you’ve lost the weight, landed that new job, whatever, but instead knowing what looks good on you, because ultimately that will make you feel good and boost your confidence.
The Cutting Edge: Give hair an extra edge or two with layers helps soften the face, say experts. And they add that a shag cut look good on almost anyone because it breaks up the hair. The trick, say stylists, is where to “draw the line or lines”. For those without glasses the fringe should be closer to the eye, but for those with glasses, it should be further back toward the temple, and shorter layers closer to the cheekbone will help emphasize natural bone structure.
Short and Sweet: Many women think that longer hair helps cover “a multitude of sins”. “Not so” say experts, especially if you have a rounder, fuller face. The best way, according to the pros, to round out a round face is with a short and sassy cut. The longer your neck, the shorter you can go, but experts suggest following the collarbone rule and considering some layers between the nose and lips for an added bouncy boost, a cut that accentuates the lips and makes the face look sexy and sleek.
Bright Ideas: With increased responsibilities, age, work, and perhaps lack of sleep, we may begin to see some dark circles around our eyes; so, the last thing we need is dark shadows cast around our face. A quick fix means adding a bit of color to your locks. Think subtle highlights (or lowlights) and, especially if you are a brunette, be careful to choose toned complimentary to your natural hue (maybe a shade or two lighter. And, wear them further away from your face.
Out With A Bang: Heavy bangs are all the rage right now, but experts agree that they are “tricky” to wear. According to stylists, bangs can cut into the frame of your face. Consider instead pulling hair away from your face in order to give you longer, leaner lines, as well as some additional height.
Parting Ways: Rather than try to fight your hair’s natural tendency, go with your natural part, and how it seems to want to fall on its own. Still, they note going “au natural” only works if your hair’s natural part compliments your face. Otherwise, here are a few parting words and suggestions:
· Heart shaped face: steer clear of a center part.
· Round faces: Opt for a side part.
· For height: Go with a part opposite to your natural one.
Finally, experts suggest that while it’s “advisable” to “take a some risks” with your look, try to refrain taking risks with your stylist. Make sure to your put your hair in the hands of someone you “know”, has experience, and whom you trust.
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Heads Up: Tips For Getting Tressed For Success