Riding High and Clutter Free: Tips for Keeping A Clean Car
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 By Rachel Derry Staff Writer LIFamilies
One of the places the places that we seem to spend a good majority of our time also happens to be one of the most neglected; our cars. You take the kids to day care, commute to and from work, go on vacations, go shopping, and go to visit friends/family; it’s no wonder that our cars can turn into a disaster area quickly if left unsupervised. Clear your mind by clearing the clutter, and then prevent if before it can come back again!
To start, make sure to keep a plastic canister, like a small garbage pail, in the back seat within reach at all times. This will stop the random dropping, throwing, and stuffing that have a habit of happening when you’re in your car and in a rush. All garbage and disposable materials should go straight into the pail, keeping the rest of your car garbage free.
Place a rubber band over your visor for stray papers. Any important little papers or receipts can be placed right in the rubber band on the back of your visor. This will not only keep important receipts from getting lost, but it will also remind you to bring them inside and stop them from being all over the place. Have multiple rubber bands placed at different distances to keep different lengths of paper from hanging down!
Keep wipes readily available. When you spill something in your car or drip something that will stain you need to wipe it up immediately. With disinfectant wipes at the ready you’ll be able to stop sticking and staining before they can happen. You’ll also keep you car from accumulating “smells.”
Don’t put off cleaning what you can today. Make a point of getting the exterior of your car cleaned every week or every other week to keep your motivation up and your car pristine. It will help to encourage you to keep the interior clean. It will also help to preserve the car, as well, by cleaning off eroding elements, such as salt, in a timely manner. Vacuum your car out often. Too keep sand and dirt from being ground into your rugs and fabric, vacuum your car out on a fairly regular basis. This will also help keep your car from acquiring some of those mysterious odors as well.
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Riding High and Clutter Free: Tips for Keeping A Clean Car