Foreign Exchange: Traveling Outside Your Currency Zone:
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Whether you go oversees or to an exotic island, chances are you’ll likely need to exchange your currency for the local tender. But, sometimes that can be quite time consuming and you may not necessarily know where to go once you get there, to your destination that is.
According to experts the best way to go about acquiring foreign currency is through your bank, BEFOREHAND. But, they note, make sure to not bring too much money in cash, only enough for tips, snacks, taxis, and other “little” expenses. Other spending “cash” should be acquired in the form of traveler’s checks, but make sure to check that your destination and lodging of choice “does” accept them. Experts add that if you “do” need to make an exchange, opt for larger banks and bank branches, as they note, smaller ones, including small booths and hotels tend to charge higher commissions. And, if you’re headed for a big city, ATMs and credit cards likely offer competitive rates, just make sure to call customer service prior to your trip to inquire about fees and your PIN….some nations mandate access codes of more than four digits.
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Foreign Exchange: Traveling Outside Your Currency Zone: